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PostPosted: Mon Oct 26, 2009 1:40 am
by Poefenjaf
Hey forgiven-sis *Wave*

Just wanted to say ... it never is easy to face temptations head-on, but God gives us strength to face them, and if we fail, He gives us grace. You know, facing temptation in itself is not a sin ... it's what you do about it that can go either God's way or sin's way.
God's got your back sis.

As to your relationship: redefining it is not easy - I know that. The guy I am with and I have had to do that. It is not easy in the least, but as we rely on God more and more, it has become increasingly easier to put God first and not our own needs and desires. Now we have a relationship that is pure and honours God first, the other person second and then ourselves. It is great!

I am praying for you sis.

PostPosted: Mon Oct 26, 2009 7:39 am
by mlg
No forgiven redefining the relationship is not easy, but it's definitely worth it. Glad you are still fighting the good fight, and trying to please God. He is smiling on you. He wants to see you succeed in this. Good to hear from you.

luv ya

PostPosted: Mon Oct 26, 2009 1:05 pm
by xxJILLxx

hi forgiven ,

i think you are doing wonderfully!

Its not easy at all, but we can do all things through Chrst who strengthens us.

Gbu sis and keep up the good fight!

love ya