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PostPosted: Fri Oct 16, 2009 3:22 am
by xxJILLxx

so proud of u sis!

I am so glad you chose to fight the temptation instead of giving in to it. U see He does always leave a way for u to escape doesn't He.

Its not an easy battle and i give you alot of props for what u just did!
You beat the enemy in a round! Dont it feel good? I know our Father is very proud of u as well! Keep up the excellent work. Progress not perfection!

Always here to encourage you and talk if u need to.

*angelbounce* *angelbounce* *angelbounce*

Gbu sis


PostPosted: Fri Oct 16, 2009 2:04 pm
by mlg
Yay forgiven...God is so proud of you. Keep on fighting.

luv ya

Praise the Lord

PostPosted: Sat Oct 17, 2009 9:06 pm
by Guest
I am glad that you didn't give in. I know what that just one more time voice is all about. The thing is I gave in and now my laptop is crashed. I beleive it was a blessing like everyone here told me. now I have to use this dinasor of a desktop and I can't look at anything with video on it plus this is a rental from my stepdad.

Keep pressing on

God bless