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PostPosted: Sun Jun 28, 2009 5:14 pm
by foreverHis
For someone who has never gone through abuse in any form.if it be physical, emotional, sexual, verbal,
'I'm talking about a life time, or a married life time, if you were abused as a child or an adult...will not fully understand how devasting it is..and nor do we expect anyone that has never been in that life style to understand,

when you see someone in physical pain, our hearts go out to that person, and we want to help and pray that person well again, and also to help that family in any way we can, well, abuse pain is that, only its hidden in our emotions, hearts, minds, no one can see that pain..but it is hot searing pain that shoot right through your very being

and we do not get the chance to heal before the next onslaught..why am i writing this you say?
I'm not sure, except to say..i felt inspired to do obedience was the call

so to see someone who has faced abuse, please see the pain that you can't see..and pray for healing...

the difference in physical pain and abuse pain..most times physical pain is an illness..but abuse pain is inflicted usually by someone who we look to for love....
and to those who are still in the healing process..please never give can come through this....the lord is near to those who are of a broken heart....

love ya's all

PostPosted: Mon Jun 29, 2009 5:29 am
by Mercy

PostPosted: Tue Jun 30, 2009 7:38 am
by morningrain
the difference in physical pain and abuse pain..most times physical pain is an illness..but abuse pain is inflicted usually by someone who we look to for love....

And this brings on a huge mistrusting of almost anyone and has a way of causing a person to draw away from everyone, always safer to be alone and not get close to anyone. Brings on lots of confusion at times and you want to reach out for help but then you never know who to reach out to.

Praise God He has given His Son who knows and understands.

PostPosted: Wed Jul 01, 2009 1:46 am
by foreverHis
thats so true angel...some are even scared of the open up to Him,because they have had so much emotional pain..but the Lord is very gentle and caring, but to open up wounds to be healed can be very hard, But the lord in His love and grace will heal and deliver in his way...
thank you angel and God bless you my dear