This forum is for those souls 18 years and older who are dealing with some type of addictive behavior whether it be from alcohol, drugs, overeating, fear, worry, sex, etc. Only with help and guidance from God can we ever hope to overcome these addictions. What is impossible for us to do IS POSSIBLE with God. Friends and family of those stricken with addictions are welcome to share as this problem affects more than just the soul entangled in its web.


Postby realtmg » Sat Nov 12, 2011 12:44 pm

Hello Everyone!
The things I say are from my past experience and hopefully what I state today will stick in your minds throughout the Holiday Seasons.
I used to start preparing for the holidays for the"Drinks and the "Drugs. Enough for me and others that I chose to share with.
I know this post does not apply to everyone but, probably effects every family in some way.
The one's that consider they have a problem with drinking or drugging can be a trying time to abstain from wanting to have a little buzz.
As for me, I wanted a big buzz and once I started, i was subject to missing the dinners and fellowships because I was messed up to bad to attend. Maybe feeling sorry for myself for any giving reason or would justify it some way.
As I write this, this is for meas well to others. My family always wondered what kind of shape I would be in or if I would even show up.
Selfish that was for me and way back in my mind, I would tell myself that I could or would get a buzz in moderation. It never was that way. I was an All or Nothing person.
I know of several members on this site who can relate to what I'm saying. There are some family members wondering if "someone" in their family will get out of hand and ruin the joyful Holiday season by using or drinking.
Today, my family are happy for me to show up with clear eyes and know I'm eager to get out of there so I could do "my thing".
I just hope and pray who reads this will have joy through the Holiday's and be grateful for To have a merciful and graceful God who loves us so much.
May God's Spirit touch the souls with peace and joy this year!
I care and love you all through Christ Jesus

GBU All!!

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Postby vahn » Sat Nov 12, 2011 5:59 pm

Oh brother , who told you about me to write all this to describe me to a tee ? .

I still remember the first time I ever showed up home (though of course I had always "planned" on being there , right ?) , but the first time I showed up for the hollydays , sober !! , my whole family thought they were having a spiritual awakening !! . The good part was , they all gave thanx to our Lord for the "miracle" , so , it wasn't all THAT bad !! *Whistle* .

My dearest borothers and sisters , let us not fool ourselves thinking "we can handle this" or worse "This time it will be different" ... we may choose to do whatever with ourselves , but we have absolutely NO RIGHT to ruin someone else's hollyday just because we "THINK" it will all be alright . They dont see things the way we do ourselves , to them , we are killing their son , father or brother . Imagine , if you will , someone trying to harm your brother , father or son , how would you react ?

Thank you brother for a great post , how I had taken it for granted ... thanx for the reminder , that I STILL am an alkie and a dopefiend .

Luv ya bro
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Postby realtmg » Fri Nov 18, 2011 2:00 pm

Hi everyone!
Today I am sitting here drinking a hot cup of French Vanilla Cappuccino; reflecting on the past Holiday; of how I dreaded them. I suppose I was making an excuse to be "Merry and Joyful" with a few drinks and maybe a drug or 10 *Doh* .

Today I am grateful not having these thoughts even though I have plenty of excuses.
Christmas will be slim because of finances yet, we are able to have around 20 family members here for Thanksgiving.

This is a note to myself how grateful I am by HIS Grace.
We don't have to have much in order to have joy. Joy come by knowing HIM and trusting HIM in all we do.

Just wanted to share and I do hope has a joyful Holiday.

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Postby realtmg » Tue Nov 29, 2011 9:39 am

Hi Everyone.
Just a short update that I had no desire to take a drink during Thanksgiving. This is God's Grace and His power to overcome.
For this I am grateful!
I try to live "One Day At A Time" yet, I know the Christmas Holidays are the next hurdle. Have already started praying pertaining to this and know I HAVE to allow Him to abide in me to be successful.
I hope and pray for those who have this problem will stay close to Him!
I'm always close if ya need an ear to share with.

Luv All

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Postby xxJILLxx » Tue Nov 29, 2011 10:25 am

*band* *band*



*Pray* Praising and praying with and for all who struggle with this. *Pray*

Gbu Big Brother

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Postby realtmg » Wed Nov 30, 2011 11:49 am

Hi All.
It seems to help me to express my thoughts and feelings at times. I have always been told it was healthy to do this.
I have been off work all year due to health issues, so........I have had alot of idle time. I try to stay busy doing preventive maintenance around the house,shop, and a few acres. As you know, a idle mind is the devils work shop and this I know.
At any rate, I usually read the Forums here at Oasis to keep in touch in what is going on with the members here.
I have been around Oasis close to 5 years now and know that this site struggles at times to keep it going via the donations made. So, since i have not been working, I'm unable to give as I once did. The alternate is for me to pray that others that come here will make up for that.
Getting to the point of my post; It is getting cold here and I need to go outside to take up some plants and replace them with a few Christmas things.
I have a 8 foot wide window here in the living room that I can look out as I my house is off the road about 300 feet. Sitting here this morning after reading the forums, I came to this one and decided to share a little.
In the past,when the cold weather came, I would get a craving for a little anti-freeze (whiskey) to warm me up. But a little always ended up being ALOT more than I originally planned.
This morning that thought entered for a short moment and looking out my picture window; I saw sunshine and had a feeling of being grateful of the thought past quickly as I know that God can do what we are unable to do for ourselves. I'm saying God can help us if we seek his will daily. Not only God, but, I need you and this site to keep me on the right path.
I don't have much,yet, I am grateful for the small things He has provided when I thought there was no way out.
Well............... I have alot more to share in the near future. It has warmed a little now and I am going to get my boots on and do as i shared with you earlier.
Thanks for you guys and this site as I feel it is God's pasture for His sheep to feed on.

In Christ Love,

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Postby realtmg » Mon Dec 05, 2011 5:46 am


Been raining 3 days now and looking back unto my past; I can see my mind working and talking myself into drinking a day or two;then taking the third to sober up and get nourished again. :roll:
Then............ I reflect spending many Holidays in *SetFree* jail, missing the Holidays just because i dwelt on the thoughts above and gave in to the temptation that slipped up behind me as i was not prepared Spiritually to overcome.
I was very selfish in thinking that a "couple of drinks" would be ok. ( I deserved them) you see. WRONG!
Bondage took over. I strayed away from the Shepherd.
Actually, I was a born again believer who had a "distant " relationship with Him.
This is why i come here and stay close by even tho I might not answer some of the people here. I have to feel led to do so, not having an answer in which I fail to go to His Word to get THE answer for the hurting soul.
Forgive me.
Just thinking about the one's "out there" who are in denial and/or in bondage. maybe one who stumbles across this topic will God touch with His Grace and Mercy.
Luv Ya All!

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Postby xxJILLxx » Mon Dec 05, 2011 10:11 am

Hey brother real!

Ya know, it is a slippery slope hu? I can relate in my own addictions and habits to what you are saying. Wether it be a physical or a mental jail... still the same and one with the other. That mind likes to play tricks on us and we need to stay vigilent and be on guard at all times. Hard thing to do ALL the time, but i found when i break it down into moments it doesnt seem so overwhelming. One by one we take down those strongholds with Him by our side.

Keep fighting the good fight as will i, and my prayer is for all those here as well who struggle with any stronghold that they fight with fervor and keep it movin.

Onward soldiers!

Gbu real and thank u for that timely reminder, it was just moments ago before reading that i was reading on facebook a old acquaintance and how easy it is to start fanticizing and falling into that trap of that lifestyle. Not worth it for me.

Now my problem is, how do u try to help someone who doesnt want to be helped ? That is without falling back into it all? All meaning = the thoughts, the temptations, the cravings etc. There has to be a line drawn and it has to be by us, am i right to assume so?

♥ your lil sis
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Postby realtmg » Mon Dec 05, 2011 11:18 am

Leave it at the Cross and Listen for the answer. He will answer in a Timely manner if we are willing to give "it" to Him.
"Be still and know I am God"

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Postby realtmg » Thu Dec 08, 2011 11:15 am

Hi all who reads!
This French Vanilla Cappuccino is so good this cold morning!
I post this as a means of accountability to myself as the holidays draws near.
I'm on a so called Atkins diet and the cappuccino blows it out of the morning, not to mention the carbs. But, I look at it as it is MUCH better than alcohol. Amen?
Money is thin because I have not worked this year because of my health. But, guess what? I am grateful just to know my Lord is near and helps me each day. I have ramped up my Bible studies and the Lord has given me a small amount of "meat' to go with my "milk".
I use to try and solve problems on my on my own because i did not have the patience to allow God do His thing. Guess i',m saying i did not put my 'whole" trust in Him sad to say.
It has been a growing process with me as i reflect back. I'm thankful for the baby steps that He has helped me make.
For example: I woke up around 1 AM this week and logged in. I had a PM from a new member who was hurting in a bad way.
God gave me the verses that pertained to his need. I nearly went back to bed and told myself I would reply to him when i woke up during the day; because I was not into typing at that time. But since I knew that God had given these verses , I new I had better reply to him at that time. I listened to God and for that I am thankful.
Afterwards, I felt a feeling of growth in my relationship to HIM. To grow Spiritually is what I "try" to do each day.
Of course I am human 'therefore I fall short.
I have rambled enough and I thank you for listening to me.

Luv You All!

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Postby realtmg » Thu Dec 15, 2011 10:19 am

Cloudy days with rain, like today "was" a good time to sit around and "sip" all day; if I made it to night time.
That was a good excuse to have a few.
I just look back to my past and stay on "alert" knowing I can slip and fall any day.
But......... This hot cup of cappuccino is much better and I feel the Lord's Presence and Him working in and threw me.
I have missed many,many family gatherings during the Holidays because I was doing my own thing and not His.
Today, I am grateful. *ReadBible*

Luv ya all,

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Postby realtmg » Mon Dec 19, 2011 2:30 pm

I have a question.
Am I the only one who reads have temptations to take a drink during the holiday season.? *Computer*


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