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HV's called and chosen journal

PostPosted: Mon Jun 20, 2011 3:48 pm
by humblevisitor
day 1 and 2...combining since the site was down yesterday.

For a long time i have felt I should be doing something different...something...anything... but I have no idea what it is. i have prayed about what my spiritual gift(s) are but the only thing I can come up with is i like to help other people if they need it. I read in the introduction i think that i would know my gift or calling because it would be something that i would enjoy doing and have a passion for doing. Maybe its because I have thought that when your called it would be to go do something great but over the past 2 days i have learned that it is my pride saying that and what i really mean is that I want to be noticed and not God being given the glory. Not a very pleasant diagnosis, but all too true.

I thought about the questions it asked in day 1:

What if you could:
a. change your lie and find out what your real purpose was?
b. find and use some awesome spiritual gifts that are within you?
c. use these gifts to change other peoples lives for the better?

And would you use them for the glory of God.

The answer is that if I could do those things I would...I just have no idea what they are and what to do.

I feel like I need to find the answers soon but gonna wait at least till the end of the I have at least that little bit of patience.

Re: HV's called and chosen journal

PostPosted: Mon Jun 20, 2011 6:43 pm
by Zemirah
hi humbleflyer ....... i was just reading your response to me in another thread before and thinking how blessed I was that you'd responded; and what a help and encouragement you are ..... imagine how many lives are changed; would be changed; will be changed if ...... you just go with your passion and desire to help as God leads *hug*

not sure how to write this exactly ...... but something about what you wrote reminded me of where Jesus talks about serving and about becoming as little children; this is something I see in you lately somehow - that things of the world are falling away and you are becoming as a little child - open to his word and leading ...

praying for you as God reveals His truth for you ......... and uses you for his purpose and to His glory *Clap*

Re: HV's called and chosen journal

PostPosted: Tue Jun 21, 2011 8:28 am
by humblevisitor
choices is what day 3 is about. How do I choose to represent God today? The thing that comes to mind is that for today I choose to represent Him where I am at not where I want to be. At home and at work. Means I need to give up my will as to what I want to do and look around to see where He is at work and join Him. We have someone at work who is blatantly anti-Christian. Goes out of his way to make comments and to offer his worldly advice to those who are struggling and hurting. And he is in a leadership position at work. Too many times I have not offered to let God use me to share the Truth. Today i pray that if I see the opportunity come up, I will get out of the way and let God use me to help whoever needs it. Not believe the lie of the enemy that I am of no use and cannot help. Lord give me the boldness I am so sadly lacking. *Pray*

Re: HV's called and chosen journal

PostPosted: Wed Jun 22, 2011 11:47 am
by humblevisitor
Day 4

today i read about peer pressure and then did the study on faith. I haven't felt any peer pressure lately because i haven't really stepped out in faith. I know I need to do things to grow my faith. And I pray like the apostles when they asked Jesus to increase their faith. Reminds me of a quote i liked in a book by Dietrich Bonhoeffer titled "the Cost of Discipleship"..."Only those who obey can believe and only those who believe can obey." One thing I know I need to do is read my Bible more faithfully and ask the Holy Spirit to help me understand it and apply it. These studies are great and have been very helpful. I love the fellowship and teaching in the chatroom. But I need to do more than just skim through or lightly read my Bible. And I need to believe and obey. I still feel like there is something i am supposed to be doing but i don't want to rush and step out in the wrong direction. So I will wait and be patient(neither of which are my strong suits) and watch to see what God would have me do.

Love you guys and I appreciate your prayers.

Re: HV's called and chosen journal

PostPosted: Fri Jun 24, 2011 7:49 pm
by Dora
Praying for you.

You are doing well and I believe He has you right where He wants you at this time. You just gotta step out a little and share Him.

*hug5* GBU humblebro

Re: HV's called and chosen journal

PostPosted: Sat Jun 25, 2011 8:20 am
by humblevisitor
I spent a good bit of time "pondering" and praying about steps 5 and 6. i have shared it with a few folks and all the answers seem to be to look at whats right in front of me. I have an elderly mother I am living with and helping. The church I am attending has asked me to do something to help them. I work in a place where I come into contact with a lot of people everyday, customers and fellow employees. Every day no matter where I'm at I have the choice to join God in what he is doing. Beginning to see that thinking I have to do something large and great just means I am trying to glorify myself rather than bring glory to God.Still a lot of weeds to pull and I see I really do need to be vigilant over my thoughts. The enemy would have me continue to ponder rather than just following and obeying one step a time. Looking at the apostles I see that they just answered the call to follow Jesus...and look where that led.

I really appreciate your prayers and encouragement... *BigGrin*

love all you guys

Re: HV's called and chosen journal

PostPosted: Sat Jun 25, 2011 2:28 pm
by Dora

When we are faithful in a little He gives us more. :)

Being there for your mother is not little. Neither is helping with in the church. As well as those moments when you can share with co-workers in a subtle and quiet way that makes them take note to how you are different because you held your temper, because you don't get upset easy, because you don't gossip, because you show respect and kindness. You know...all the fruits of the spirit that radiate from believers. God takes note to each and every time you make even the smallest subtle difference in another persons life. You will do well. :) God has you in all this.

God bless you and your precious mother my friend.

Re: HV's called and chosen journal

PostPosted: Sun Jun 26, 2011 11:39 pm
by Zemirah
Have you ever noticed how wondering and wandering can be a good thing and reveal much to us; and yet if we only do that we don't really get anywhere? we end up wandering or wondering in circles too easily instead - and sometimes forget the destination or don't seem to reach there. A word I keep coming back to over and over lately is balance which seems to apply in wandering and wondering as well. Seems like you have a lot there right in front of you waiting for you to grasp hold of :) You are a blessing

Re: HV's called and chosen journal

PostPosted: Thu Jun 30, 2011 8:22 am
by humblevisitor
Been a little bit since I posted....lots to think and pray about. Still thinking acting where I'm at is the most important thing. Plenty of room to join God in His work right in front of me.

today is day 10....calling me to share God's Grace with someone. Very easy to do in here or with other Christians. Seems to me today that He is calling me to share it with those who aren't...

God Bless you all :)

Re: HV's called and chosen journal

PostPosted: Fri Jul 01, 2011 4:02 pm
by Dora
:) You got that right!

God bless you along this journey.

Re: HV's called and chosen journal

PostPosted: Wed Jul 06, 2011 8:15 am
by humblevisitor
Finished the study this just need to keep following. I don't know where it will lead but i expect most of us really don't. Lot's to think about, pray about and act upon. First thing to do is keep on this path as it said by returning and re-reading over the next 2 weeks. and not to try and run ahead and say Lord look what I'm

Also, I got to watch my expectations. this has got to be about God's way and His results and His Glory. When I throw my expectations in...the next thing that happens is I want it to go my way. Ever been there? rofl


thanks for the prayers, support, and encouragement

Re: HV's called and chosen journal

PostPosted: Wed Jul 06, 2011 9:01 am
by Dora
Yup! :) We like to take control even when it's Gods work.

Someone asked me this... Are you asking God to join your plan or are you following Gods plan.

Something like that.

Asking God to join our plan sounds like a good thing. Till ya realize an even better thing is to join His plan.

Like Him being your co-pilot. It's a good thing to do. BUT having Him as pilot is really the greater thing.

God is good. His love is never failing. Never ending. He is always just what we need when we need it. *Cross*

Be blessed dear brother.

P.S. How'd the program go last night? I wanted to join but was falling literally asleep in my chair 30 min before hand. :(