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PostPosted: Thu Jan 13, 2011 5:23 pm
by dema
I have had many copies, but unfortunately did not see this thread. Observance ... sigh..

Anyway, I really enjoyed the Sheep - Study 10. I like the analogies - they are very apt.

This is the place that has touched my heart most deeply for so many years. And I think the nursery example is so apt. If we paddled children in church nursery, we would go to jail. But, so many "Christians" more aptly called, Pharisees, want to just go around spiritually paddling God's children all over the place.

I am so glad that that isn't acceptable behavior here. It breaks my heart when I see it.

And saddest is when good people are saying hurtful things and not realizing it. Like Marie Antoinette and her saying things like "Let Them Eat Cake!!!" (I know she probably didn't really say it - but it is such a great example.)

PostPosted: Thu Jan 13, 2011 5:26 pm
by deetu
Yes, so much better for people to learn by example. They see the light shining thru you and want it *BigGrin*

PostPosted: Fri Jan 14, 2011 7:27 am
by dema
I've studied Job many times - but the timing is good. Who are we to tell God what he has to give us or to get mad or impatient when we don't get it fast enough? Just who do we think we are?

I know I'm big on the promises of God. But, life isn't just a candy store - go pick out a promise and get it without thought or growth. God wants more than that for us.

Our spiritual development is key.

PostPosted: Mon Jan 17, 2011 7:57 am
by dema
What are my gifts? And what really is the list of gifts?

I can pray effortlessly almost anywhere, almost anytime. I am able to wake myself up from a dream to pray. Sometimes I pray in my dreams. I have never, in my recollection, been afraid to go to God in prayer. My sin may separate me from the power of God, but it has not separated me from being able to pray to God. I know this has been true since I was baptized in the Holy Spirit at 14, it may have been true since I was saved at 7. I do not know.

I don't listen to music as much as most people and I do like spa music and windchimes - music that doesn't interfere with the prayer going on in my head. I like to have some time alone - or to drive without the radio on. Again, it has to do with prayer. I want this time, I do not have to work to make myself take it.

Does this make me holy? Over time I am sure it has improved me greatly.
But I still have a voice on me. Not always a good one. :)

People here have said some nice things to me. I wondered if I was gifted in the areas where people have complimented me. I know that I was not born an encourager. I did pray for wisdom as a little girl.

But, maybe my gift is primarily the gift of prayer, and the ability, on occasion, to hear God's answers, or more frequently, just being able to be led.

Kindof like not actively remembering where the car is, but just walking out of the store unstressed and ending up next to it.

I am increasingly able to be led. Old mules are easier to lead you know. :)
It's the young ones that kick.

PostPosted: Tue Jan 18, 2011 9:10 am
by dema
Record Keeping - I saw that and I thought - awww nawwww/ But then I thought about the number of people I am writing and the names they have told me ....

Yes, I do need to keep records. My goodness.

PostPosted: Tue Jan 18, 2011 10:55 am
by Dora
:) Your post triggered a lot of thoughts. Good thoughts. I can't get them together to share with you right now as there's to much external noise in my house. lol But I did want to stop and say you're amazing! Glad you have chosen to step up to the calling. *hug* Love ya.