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rev 17:14

PostPosted: Thu Mar 18, 2010 7:51 pm
by huelsingbroad
the with the LORD at the end are called, chosen, and faithful. we all have a path that GOD has called us to walk. we all have the ability to choose to answer that call, we must be faithful to HIM if we are to endure until the end. the only way to do that is simply to lean on the everlasting arm. we can be faithful because HE is faithful. we must do our part by trusting HIM and not yielding ourselves to our past sin nature. we must learn to look to the HOLY SPIRIT minute by minute to deliver us in the time of temptation. if we surround ourselves with reminders that HE is with us and HE won't let us fall, HE will make a way to escape temptation that we don't fall. but if we do fall, we have an advocate with the father, the man Jesus Christ. HE will plead for us and will not condemn us. we are faithful not because we no longer sin, but because we no longer allow that sin to beset us in our walk and take us off the path of righteousness.
we are weak, HE is strong. we must do the work of our HEAVENLY FATHER and HE has equipped each one of us for our task.
so be faithful to that which you are called to do, and give thanks that HE deemed you worthy to work such a great work

PostPosted: Thu Mar 18, 2010 8:16 pm
by mlg
Amen faithful to what we are called to do...God in turn is faithful to those who love Him. :)

luv ya