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Postby vahn » Thu Feb 05, 2009 10:51 am

Ephesians 4:23
And be renewed in the spirit of your mind;

Romans 12:2
And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.

You know, sometimes (well,most times) I read something,or hear something, I get to either jot down or react immediately expressing my interpretation of it, then after some time passes, or in this forum's case at the end of the day, I come back to it ( for gauging purpose) - and I go "Who wrote that ?" or I get to doing Goldie Locks impersonation "oh, someone had been at my computer !!" and I look at Dillie, my dog, and she gives me that " HuuH ? " look, and I go "Naaah".

Reading todays step 'bout Job immediately falling on his face upon recieving the news and saying, in effect "Thy will, not mine be done" or "whatever Thine will may be , who am I to dispute it" "I still love you" .
My first expression of Job when I 1st read it a 100 yrs ago, was, " What a whiner ! such a miserarable soul !" and the way I iterpret it today , kinda reassures me of the renewal of the mind had in fact taken place in me, for when I read it 2 day I;m going "atta boy Job"

Oh how dark it is before the DAWN ! also "Him who has "ears" let him hear" have absolutely different "meaning" to me today than say, before Dillie started editing my posts for me when I'm not looking !

See, I had always been the one to learn things the hard way - after the "trials and tribulations" so to speak - and when I first read Scripture, was reading it w/my carnal mind and of course, as a result, was getting carnal outcomes, "Like begets Like", or "As the man thinketh, so is he".
you are who you think, for , for every action taken, a thought precedes it, so the outcome of your action is directly proportianate to the scope of your thought, (Who wrote that ?) man, I'm getting smarter by the minute !

Please dont be offended by my making light of every situation , its just my way of staying alive. If I dont laugh at my myself & mistakes, I die. "For God WANTS us to be happy, joyous and free" .

So, I start my day reading Scripture, (ie:step 11) in the Spirit Mind , I get Spiritually uplifted and I go about my biz, in the course of the day I encounter those "ducks", "geese" and "giraffes" , and I'm going ,yea,yea,yea, Whateveerrrrr !! But w/o knowing it , ever so slowly, I am getting Spiritually drained, and little by little , w/o "Renewing of the Mind" I'm turning more & more to my secular friends ,which in turn giving me the Job's three friends treatment , "It's your FAULT "

Then, I come back home (OASIS), and I'm looking at Dillie, " Did you write that ?"

God is in control , rain or shine, for without the rain , we wouldn't have a rainbow !!.
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Postby mlg » Thu Feb 05, 2009 12:55 pm

Hey vahn, good morning my friend...well morning for me afternoon for you. rofl

Do you know what virtue is? Virtue is the Power of God working in and through you. Do you know what drains us of our virtue? The worldly things around us, people, places and things. We also give away virtue when we spend time listening to a hurting soul and then talking them through their pain. Do you remember the story in the Bible about the woman who had a bleeding problem, and she walked by Jesus and touched the hem of His garment? Jesus then said, who touched me. He felt virtue leave Him.

Virtue has to be replenished, we must do this by reading scripture, fellowshipping with God and Christian friends, listening to Christian music and prayer.

Ok, enough of my jabbering for the day.

luv ya my friend
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Postby vahn » Thu Feb 05, 2009 4:56 pm

Jabbing ?- is that a left jab or right ?

You know, when Paul is asking to renew the mind he's also saying daily.
It's that "daily" part I think sometimes I need to change to Hourly, but , being both limited w/ Christian contacts on the field and being relatively young in this walk , makes my gratitide to OASIS even greater just for me to fall back on to recharge the batteries.

From each "stumbling" block I come out of unscathe, the more it reinforces my faith that I am really on the right track, and have to look no further.

I, somehow see a , Christian contact "jab" (boixng term) coming at me , but before I duck , and also the fact that I had made a statement on the issue in the past, the reason still stands as to "there are too many 'three friends of Job' out there and me still being young at this, will make it much more easier to get confused. If it works, dont fix it !

May be , no hoping one day I will overcome that, (rephrase) doing what I'm doing now w/friends & family at OASIS I know I will overcome that one day. In God's time, not mine .

May God bless you and keep you , untill then.
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Postby mlg » Thu Feb 05, 2009 5:08 pm

Yep those 3 friends of Job's were big trouble makers and we know what God did to them in the end. The thing is, that is you continue on in your walk, you gotta remember to put your full armor of God on daily. Before you walk out of the house...to protect you from those "friends". Alright so there's ya another jab. rofl

luv ya
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Postby vahn » Thu Feb 05, 2009 5:20 pm

Hey , may be if I stay down , you wont need to jab at anything huh?

Java's acting up again , may be the upgrade has to do something with it, I just uninstalled it , will try to to chat and reinstall.

I bought a new racing helmet just for that !
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