getting started...

This forum is for those who are participating in the Many Called Few Chosen program and for those who feel that they have been Called by God. This is the place to share thoughts with others who also feel called. Many have been Called by God to serve Him BUT few will be chosen. The reason is simple ... Few choose to answer the Call. Have you been CALLED? Join this forum and find out how you can better answer your calling.
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getting started...

Postby Guest » Fri Oct 09, 2009 10:59 am

hello dear fellows here :),

i've been here some months ago lingering in some posts... then i just almost forgot how to get back in??? :roll:

but thanks for the email i received from PINE... this encouraged me to come back eh.. *AngelYellow*

a great desire i have to participate much here but can't just acquaint myself well so it took a time to start really...

i'm getting a little bit excited on the program... Step 1 gave me a 79-80 score??? (if i remember it right..) and it say it was good.. lol i'm thinking what shall i do with the remaining 21-20 %.. hehe

i'm now on step 3 this day and it seemed that i just started here... ;)

i understand that the lessons must be taken daily but due to the nature of my work.. i can't be on line some few days a week... so i will be quite slow here... but i want to go bit by bit on the lessons... :)

i have been looking for a site where i could really learn more about the Lord and His Kingdom... and i thank the Lord for this site

hope to be going much more around also....

A blessed day!
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Postby mlg » Fri Oct 09, 2009 11:15 am

Hey reymielin welcome to the Many Called Few Chosen program.

So you scored 70-80 percent huh? Awesome that means you have so room to grow and learn. This program is just wonderful in helping you do that.

Take the lessons as you can get to them. We understand that you can't always get to them daily, but try to get to them as soon as possible.

Please continue to share your thoughts here on the steps so we can encourage you along the way.

Praying for you to have a blessed journey as you grow with God.

So many souls to reach, yet so few workers. Praise God for sending you to be one who is willing to reach out to these souls.

Take care and God Bless
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Postby comfy » Fri Oct 09, 2009 4:05 pm

reymielin . . . hi . . . I'm Bill, one of the guys, here . . . good to have you > please make yourself at home, here.

I took that test, too. There are questions that are subjective, which means they depend on our present ablility to be aware and honest in answering them; so we can rate ourselves more highly than we would if we were more mature. And so, if we take the same test later, when we have had time to grow more in Jesus and be more aware and honest about oursleves, I see it is possible we might get a *lower* score on the same test at a later time ;) But this would be because we have actually become more Christian . . . more honest and humble about ourselves > becoming more humble could mean we would not rate ourselves so highly in some of the questions.

And if you have some questions about the Lord and His kingdom, please share them > for a question, you can start a thread in "Bible Bogglers" or just join in any thread discussion anywhere and post a question that is related to what is being talked about, I would say. Also, you can p.m. someone, but then others could miss out on a chance to benefit from your question and how ones here answer it. So . . . help yourself, however is good for you :)
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Postby Dora » Fri Oct 09, 2009 4:50 pm

*hug* Rey
Good to see you back friend.
Doing the M.C.F.C ! Cool! *cool*
Great score.
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back again!!

Postby Guest » Thu Nov 12, 2009 12:54 pm

i felt sorry for the long period of being absent here. it's good internet connection is now fixed here after having trouble with it for almost one month.

uhm.. i have to go back from the first lessons cause it seemed i forgot everything??? :oops: and is there really a need for me to at least say something on about the lessons??? uhm.. hope so i could do that...

well by the way.. thanks everyone for the welcome and insights there... taking time to chew what are on every step...


ok. two words... REPRESENT

The Bible is clear that God calls many to REPRESENT Him ...

But, the Bible also says that few of those called are actually chosen to serve Him.

then CHOICE...

By choosing to REPRESENT Christ, you choose to share Jesus' life, through you, with others, because you're ONE with Him. People see Him in you ... In the things you do, the way you act, the way you talk, the way you live ... YOUR words and deeds are a reflection of Him.

no comment actually... just thinking how it is really to be... It's always a shameful thing when you know you keep falling.. :(


Finding your own self, where you are.. who you are... what you are.. etc.. lol

In spite of the knowledge that we are already God's children, created in His own image and likeness, still the tendencies are there to still being lost to where you are and who we are. Some times we are just sooooooooo lost.. that's all... :X

STEP 3: THE WORLD... it's here started the lessons really... my attention is being called..


..... lol i need to ponder a lot here... :roll: there are circumstances that i'm being checked by my brothers but sometimes i questioned why is it just right for some though not as daring as they are???

one time i saw a girl in her mini shorts riding on a motorbike and had seen how unfitting it is in such a way... yay.. i blushed at the back of my mind.. lol

2ND WORD: SEEDS & WEEDS - subconscious

getting interested on the topic. i got a little help if not a big one on that. I think i really have a little problem on my subconscious estate and hope to be able to cope up always. Weeding out??? it's not always easy but little by little hoping to have a neat and healthy garden soon being maintained as well.

LAST WORD: RENEWING THE MIND - Strengthening the tripartite being..

Responsibility or can i relate it to discipline? Uhm.. the miracle grow project... the chart.. lol

it seemed in this area i'm about to fail.. lol

uhm.. by the way i'm just interested in every topic... i'm learning a lot and getting help at least... hope to cope up for two steps by next week...

thanks every one... hoping to be going around soon on the other forums...

night night... *angelbounce*

good day to all!!
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Postby Dora » Thu Nov 12, 2009 1:05 pm

Even though things happen to keep you from the study and life gets in the way you still continue to be called back here by him. :)

Rye we all fall down. Get up, shake off the dirt and keep trying.

2 corinthians 12:9 And he said unto me, My grace is sufficient for thee: for my strength is made perfect in weakness. Most gladly therefore will I rather glory in my infirmities, that the power of Christ may rest upon me.

Our sweet sister Kimberly shared that verse just this morning in Rise and shine. :)

Love ya Rye. Looking forward to more posts by you.
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Postby mlg » Thu Nov 12, 2009 1:15 pm

Welcome back rey, you have been missed. So your starting back on the steps...that is awesome.

Something here you mentioned was the chart and that your about to fail. Don't look at the chart as something difficult cuz it doesn't have to be. What you can do is start off with just a couple of items and add to it as you go along. That way it doesn't seem so overwhelming.

It looks as if your reviewing the steps and catching back up well. Keep with it rey.

luv ya and welcome home again
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Postby vahn » Thu Nov 12, 2009 1:53 pm

Hello rey

Welcome to the MCFC , reading your post from day one reminded me of how I felt when I first took the "test" , I went "Oh oh , I'll never make it ! " I think my score too was somewhere there @ 75 - 80 % as well , then I asked myself "make what ? " :) I mean we are already called right ? What difference does it make what the score reads , He already called as knowing what it would be anyway !

I like your optimistic response to score , you said
i'm thinking what shall i do with the remaining 21-20 %..
If I were to keep focus on that , the 79-80% will take care of its own wouldn't it ?

I had taken that "test" a couple of more times since , (just to check myself) and you know what I found out ? . If I , (or everyone here as well) were to take that same "test" on a daily basis we will notice that we will never get the same "score" everyday , some days that'll be lower and some higher , but either way , as long as we are on the same path , "getting there is up to our Lord to decide , all we need to do is the footwork He called us to do , to choose to respond to His call . Here's a secret (shh , dont tell this to anybody ok ? ) By the time we make it to 100% , we wont be here , we'll be with Him ! .
When He calls , we say "Here I am , what is it you want me to do , whatever it is , I know You will provide me with the means and ability to finish whatever it is that You set me out to do "

Keep up the good work and don't let anything hinder your decision to choose .

In fellowship of Christ our Lord
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Postby realtmg » Thu Nov 12, 2009 8:05 pm

Amen Vahn! *harp*
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Postby comfy » Thu Nov 12, 2009 10:57 pm

I would say the chart would have what you are *encouraged* to put on it. And I mean . . . even if something is what we know we are failing in . . . still, God can encourage us that He is able to have us doing better.

In reading the Bible > so often, I find things that are not me, but that the Bible says God wants. Well . . . I understand I am not on my own going to do what the Bible says; so I can trust God to have me doing all He means by His word. The Bible is our chart. For me and others, there are things we know we are not doing, but instead of just giving up we can trust You, God, to have us doing better.

There are strong things that are *impossible* for us.

"But He said, 'The things which are impossible with men are possible with God.'" (Luke 18:27) So, Jesus knows things in the Bible are impossible for us . . . not just "hard" ;)

And with others we can share in succeeding with God.
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Postby Guest » Mon Nov 16, 2009 11:57 pm

I had taken that "test" a couple of more times since , (just to check myself) and you know what I found out ? . If I , (or everyone here as well) were to take that same "test" on a daily basis we will notice that we will never get the same "score" everyday , some days that'll be lower and some higher , but either way , as long as we are on the same path , "getting there is up to our Lord to decide , all we need to do is the footwork He called us to do , to choose to respond to His call .

.... :) not given any thought to take it again :X but you made me curious (hehe)

Here's a secret (shh , dont tell this to anybody ok ? ) By the time we make it to 100% , we wont be here , we'll be with Him !

yay!!! ha ha... so funny seems true though :D

thanks mlg1279 and Pine... thanks also comfy for sharing..

have gone through Step 4:

Sooner or later, every Christian will find themselves in a situation where they have to defend their Faith. Friends, family, co-workers, even strangers may attack the beliefs that make up who and what you are ... a Christian.

... not only them but also those who had already gone ahead the race sometimes cause us to stumble on our way... that is a very sad thing... :(

how can you go on if those who inspires you the "most" before, they are now the one grieving you on your way?

Don't be fooled by people who want you to prove things about your Faith to them. Faith is belief in something that is unseen! If something can be proven, it takes no Faith to believe in it. But I tell you a TRUTH ... people believe in the unseen every day. From the invisible waves that come from some radio station tower and put music on your radio to the invisible diseases that go from one person to another to LOVE itself which is invisible but if you ever catch it you will KNOW it is REAL.

uhm... nice.. i got a nugget :)
... sometimes when encountering such people, i keep quiet :X :roll:

[/quote]Pray for the Holy Spirit to guide you and strengthen you. If you're a Christian soldier, He supplies your ammunition and your armor. He is your offense and your defense.

... :D i like it.. Jesus?? my Offense and Defense.. Wow

this sums up the study... the teachings are a little bit long but i enjoy them.. :)

hope to go through step 5 before the week ends..

a great day to all!!!


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Postby vahn » Tue Nov 17, 2009 8:18 am

Hey Rey

Good to see you posting again .
Two things that caught my eye that I had experienced or asked myself ,
how can you go on if those who inspires you the "most" before, they are now the one grieving you on your way?

The answer for me was , "You just simply go on regardless " 'cause you see , my faith has nothing to do with what others think of it , or how they feel about it , my job is to show what my faith had done for me , and that it is there for them for taking and not necessarily asking them for their opinion(s) on it . I mean , after all , if it works , why "fix" it right ? .

The second was , (put in "defending" my faith context )
... sometimes when encountering such people, i keep quiet

You know , I often times , more than I care for , find myself having to answer questions such as "What happened to you ?? " , and my first instinctive reaction to it (nowadays) , is a big , grinning smile back at them , for I know , right after I answer , there'll be a "jaw dropping" followed by a shocking " Oh , c'mon I'm serious , " and yada yada .
Always be ready to show them a "before and after" picture and say something like "Any (more) questions ?"
See , just the fact that they are asking "what happened ?" should be enough proof that people are noticing "something" right ? And I just simply tell them , and not necessarily "defend" .
I may at times explain defend or elaborate on my beliefs and opinions , but defending my faith ? never ! , I just tell them what it is and that whatever they have to tell me is not going to change anything .
here's my definition of my Faith ,
If someone was to tell me , "There's this guy planning on crossing the Niagara on a tight-rope pushing a wheelbarrow , what do you think ? "
I'd say "Yep , I believe he could do that" , because of this , that and what have you , and nothing would come out of it , except an exchange of opinions and possibly an argument or two . But , in order for to show them , I'd say something like "Watch this" and and jump in the wheelbarrow and say "See you on the other side" ;)
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