Christianity Oasis Forum

This forum is for those who are participating in the Many Called Few Chosen program and for those who feel that they have been Called by God. This is the place to share thoughts with others who also feel called. Many have been Called by God to serve Him BUT few will be chosen. The reason is simple ... Few choose to answer the Call. Have you been CALLED? Join this forum and find out how you can better answer your calling.
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Postby mlg » Thu Jul 24, 2008 4:37 pm

Hey everyone....wooohoooo....the Holy Spirit is awesome!!!!!!

I have to share an experience with you all I had today. It was so exciting, I went to Wal-Mart to pick up some groceries, and as I was getting ready to checkout, I was passing by all the rows trying to find a decently empty line, but when I found a short one, I passed it up and went on to a little longer line. I was already there, so I decided to wait in the longer line. Now here's the cool part.....I didn't make that decision to stand in the longer line....the Holy Spirit led me there.

When I got to the checker, she asked me how I was, and I responded with GREAT!!!! She looked up at me and smiled and said you are the first person today to say something like that to me. I asked her to say what? She said to say great. She went on to say that in 3 hours so far that day everyone had said, I'm alright, or I guess I'm ok. Then as we continued to talk, she started telling me about herself, how she had made some bad decisions, got mixed up with some bad people. How she didn't know what she was going to do next. I on the other hand began to talk to her about God, and prayer. By the time I was ready to leave, I invited this young lady to come to my church, and told her how to get there. I left her with a God Bless You.

What an opportunity to be a witness this was. I was so excited, God placed me there to plant a seed. Thank you Holy Spirit for speaking through me to that young lady.

I'm still on a Holy Spirit rush. Being a witness for the Lord is the most rewarding work that He could entrust me with. *PraiseGod*

Can I get a witness?

*HereIAm* Send me.
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Postby Mackenaw » Thu Jul 24, 2008 4:54 pm

Awwwwww Mlg *hug*

God is so Good! Isn't The Holy Spirit just too cool for words!!!

Woooooohooooooo Thank You Jesus.

God bless you, Mlg.
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Postby Guest » Thu Jul 24, 2008 10:44 pm

awesome Mlg, The Lord works in amazing ways!!!!

Amen, *AngelYellow*
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Postby Lionhearted » Fri Oct 17, 2008 9:41 am

hey mlg ...

thats great eh ... where you able to befriend her at church ?

what happened ....

anxiously awaiting ....

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Postby mlg » Fri Oct 17, 2008 10:25 am

She never attended church my sister. I have never seen her again. I pray that the Jesus I shared with her has taken and grown roots.

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Postby --- » Wed Oct 22, 2008 3:33 pm

Not sure how I missed this post originally, MLG, but what a great experience!! And don't think the fact that she didn't show at your church means that you were not Christ's tool to touch her heart!!

Many years later, I've always remembered an exchange between two fellow students. One was always happy and upbeat; the other usually surly and critical of everyone around her. One day, the surly one asked the other -- in a very annoyed tone -- "so why is it you're so [explative] happy all the time?!?!"

The other simply responded with a smile, "Jesus Christ."

The surly one shot back, "that's cute," and walked away.

That exchange has never left me. In fact, over 15 years later, I tracked down an email for the witness to Christ and shot her an email that even after all the years, I still cherished that exchange.

You touched your Wal-Mart friend, MLG, as does everyone who opens their fears, faith, and inspiration here on Oasis.

God is good!!!

Bless you, my friend!! *Hug9*

*JesusSign* *TheWave*
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