Christianity Oasis Forum

This forum is for ALL members who feel called by God to serve Him. In this Forum those who feel called can share questions, comments, concerns and any thoughts that you have with other fellow Christians who have also been called to serve Him. The purpose of this Forum is to bring us closer together as to better serve our Father in our own calling.

Calling the Called - Opportunity to Serve

Postby lizzie » Sun Nov 21, 2010 5:25 pm

Good day Oasis family.

As you may be aware, we are having our annual Oasis Christmas Event from Dec 19th to 25th, in the chatroom. This is a weeklong event filled with great programs, games, etc. starting from 8pm and ending at 11pm Est times.

We are currently seeking dedicated and spirit filled hosts for some of these programs.

The Christmas time is a very important time for many, and this is especially so for Christians as we remember the birth of our Lord Jesus which is the real reason for the season. The Oasis Christmas Event gives us a chance to step out in faith and help provide spiritual nourishment to God's children that He has led here. There are also many members here who for one reason or another, may not have good memories of this time of year, or may be currently experiencing trials and sorrow in their lives. We have the opportunity to provide a safe haven for them this Christmas, to help them build new memories and to ensure that they know they are not alone and are among friends and family here.

If you are interested in hosting a program and feel called to be a part of this blessed event, please let me know and I will send you the Christmas Calendar and program listing for you to look at.

(For first time hosts who may be unsure as to how to prepare or host a chat program, I will work with you and send you guidelines and if required, do practice runs in chat, to make sure you are comfy before the date of your program.)

Thank you for your time and God bless you :)

In His Service,
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Postby Lani » Sat Dec 04, 2010 7:53 am

*Cheer3* Christmas! *Cheer3*

What an awesome time with His Oasis family!

Looking forward to seeing who His uses to share His message!!!

This event grows more special each year, because of y'all!

Can't Wait!!!! but I will cuz the calendar only advances one day at a time ;)

Peace and Love in Christ,
*BlessYou* Lani

*Cheer3* "May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace." (Romans 15:13 *Cheer3*
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Postby Jonelle » Sat Dec 04, 2010 4:14 pm

Hello Lizzie,

I will participate if need be, I'm a little nervous but I want to try.
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Postby Lani » Sat Dec 04, 2010 4:32 pm

*Clap* Jonelle!!! *Clap*


*Cheer3* YAY!!! *Cheer3*

Nothin to be nerveous about,
We are family, (sing with me) ;)

"Want to try"

*ohyeah* Awesome sis!!! *ohyeah*

Peace n Love to ya
*Cheer3* "May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace." (Romans 15:13 *Cheer3*
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Postby lizzie » Sat Dec 04, 2010 7:00 pm

Yayy Jonelle *hug* thank you sis :) will be sending you the calendar tonite to look over :)

Lani, thank you , you truly are God's cheerleader and your help is much appreciated.

I must say, at first I was a little saddened by the lack of response to these posts asking for ideas and hosts for this years event. It was by far the most lackluster of all previous years.

But then, as the days go by, I see how God is touching the hearts of His children here, some of whom have never hosted a program before, and placing it upon them to reach and teach.

It really lifted my spirit and renewed my passion for this years Christmas event.

To the Called that did answer, and are gonna answer, thank you all *GroupHug*
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