The spiritual legacy of the Holocaust

Hosted by Saint 701 ... This forum is for the purpose of examining the subject of Grace and its great place in God's work in the body of Christ Jesus of which we are a part. "The Book of Romans" was chosen for the title since that book is so rich in Grace to us, but in no way is this forum limited in examining Grace to only the "Book of Romans."

The spiritual legacy of the Holocaust

Postby saint701 » Fri Apr 20, 2012 3:10 pm

TGIF Christianity Oasis!


The spirituality that pervaded somewhat clandestinely during the early years of the 20th Century had a profound impact on the rise of the Third Reich. Such has often been overlooked during the Holocaust Days of Remembrance simply because the evil of that time left behind so many visible and tangible realities for all to ponder. For that reason it seems there is little given to the hidden creatures that manipulated the puppets on the stage of history during that era.

While it is certainly right to remember those who perished in the Holocaust and listen intently to the stories of those that survived and remain with us today, it is also important that we consider the spiritual nature of the Third Reich. In this day we must recognize both the seen and the unseen characters once again made ready to perform on the world stage right before our very eyes. After all, as with those Jewish in Hitler’s day, once again millions of lives are at stake. However, this time it is not only the Jewish whose lives are at stake, but those of all humankind. And it is for that reason the spirituality of the Third Reich must not be forgotten. It must be recognized in the lives of those in this day whose dream is the destruction of Israel and dominion over all, i.e. President Ahmadinejad of Iran, his followers and all jihadists.

Most of us understand that Hitler envisioned himself as the leader of a master race of super human beings destined to rule the world with an iron fist that would destroy all unfit for his kingdom. What most of do not know is that Hitler communicated with ethereal beings that called themselves the Masters of Wisdom of which Lucifer presided over. Hitler himself coveted the idea that Lucifer himself would possess him completely and destroy utterly all in opposition to him.

Another facet of Hitler’s vision of his master race dealt with those characteristics his elite would possess which would set them apart from all else in the world. While most view Hitler’s vision of his master race through the science of eugenics, one where refined breeding would produce blond haired, blue eyed babies; his spiritual vision of them connected them to the Masters of Wisdom in the way that he was. Each member of his new race would be guided by ascended masters to do their part birthing the master’s plan, (Lucifer’s plan), for all humankind. (False Christs shall arise and deceive many).

Of course since Lucifer/Satan has always worked behind the scenes building scenarios leading to the slaughter and downfall of kingdoms throughout humankind’s history, (it is Satan/Lucifer that leads kingdoms into war), it is no surprise that Hitler’s supermen were to be cunning, vicious, and relentless in pursuit of those unwilling to participate in the Lucerferic plan.

Hitler’s vision of ridding the world of inferior races beginning with the Jews has now resurfaced in the guise of Islam guided by President Ahmadinejad of Iran. All the world must either bow to Islamic rule of law or be killed. Of course those Jewish must all be slaughtered first which of course necessitates all the world be plunged into chaos.

Out of chaos then comes the Muslim messiah the Twelfth Imam, also called the Mahdi who true Christians will recognize as the antichrist. However, unlike Hitler, the Mahdi will cause the chaos to stop and make peace with the Jews.

That act of making peace with Israel ushers in the beginning of the Great Tribulation, that period in human history designated to put on trial every man and woman. All must be tried to see if they love the true and real person of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ enough to lay down their life for him, or submit to the son of perdition bringing upon themselves irrevocable damnation.

Let us remember the spiritual legacy of the Holocaust.

Love, In Christ Jesus, saint.

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