Stages of Spiritual Growth; Part 5

Hosted by Saint 701 ... This forum is for the purpose of examining the subject of Grace and its great place in God's work in the body of Christ Jesus of which we are a part. "The Book of Romans" was chosen for the title since that book is so rich in Grace to us, but in no way is this forum limited in examining Grace to only the "Book of Romans."

Stages of Spiritual Growth; Part 5

Postby saint701 » Wed Sep 22, 2010 12:26 pm

Hello All,


The Lord bless you and keep you this day!

We have been discussing various examples of the stages of spiritual growth. We will say at this point that the Lord knows what is best for each of us. For some, they are taught from the beginning that the entrance into life of the Spirit comes through repentance and that is where they are born again. For others, they have been taught repentance is necessary, and for whatever reason, are born again and filled with the Holy Spirit at the same time, and receive a new heavenly language. One's spiritual experiences are the work of God. All that is required of us is that we repent, believe, receive, and be willing.

Stage 5 of the spiritual growth process has to do with our willingness. This stage may only last a short time, or it may last 30 years. It is a good place to be if you have a good church home with a spirit filled pastor that teaches the Word of God, and there is much prayer, praise, and worship. If we are so fortunate to born again into such a fellowship, it is best we stay there. If the Lord desires more of us He will lead us into it.

However, if we are still self willed, and head out on our own to pastor a church or attend seminary, or go to this or that Bible college without clear leading of the Lord, we are in trouble. Our Lord will let us run amuck until we understand, where the Kingdom of Heaven is concerned, we must surrender our will to Him, and let Him lead us as He wills.

Stage 5 can be a place of comfort and a little suffering, or stage 5 can be a place of little comfort and intense suffering. Again, experiences vary, but it is during stage 5 that the reality of angels and demons, heaven and hell are understood. It is where one is taught about spiritual warfare, how to put on the whole armor of God. It is a place of learning all of the various types of prayer. It is a place where we must begin to exercise our spiritual senses to discern good and evil. It is a place where we begin to comprehend the voice of our spirit as intuition and conscience, and perhaps more if God wills. And while we may not experience the gifts, administrations, and operations of the Holy Spirit, we understand how they work according to the will of the Holy Spirit. In short, in stage 5, we are being taught by the Holy Spirit. We grow from babies, to children, and hopefully to young men and women.

It is also during this time that we may fall into different temptations, trials, and testings, where we realize the necessity of having a strong faith, that even tested beyond measure, will still stand all the winds and roaring waves that wash over us. We must have our faith in our Lord Jesus to the point where we can honestly say, though He slay me, yet will I believe in Him. It is during this time that we truely begin to love our Lord of Lords, King of Kings, Lord God Almighty Love Dad intensely.

If we have made it through stage 5, we are now ready for stage 6.

Love, In Christ Jesus, Saint701.
It is most certainly far better to die in faith believing, than it is to live in unbelief.
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