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Understanding Spiritual Love

PostPosted: Sat Jul 24, 2010 11:49 am
by saint701
Hello All,


We have been discussing key elements in spirituality, especially those elements pertaining to the Kingdom of Heaven. As previously mentioned, our Heavenly Father Lord of Lord King of Kings Love God Dad is the essence and embodiment of perfect love. All that we know and understand of Him in the Bible that He requires of us in love He richly supplies. Such understanding, however, does not enter into our hearts and minds and become part of our spiritual nature and spiritual understanding until we seek Him with all of our heart, mind, soul and strength.


[22] Confirming the souls of the disciples, and exhorting them to continue in the faith, and that we must through much tribulation enter into the kingdom of God.

Much mental examination of the Bible has occurred over the course of the past 2 thousand years. Doctrines, churches, denominations, fellowships, scholars, individuals, a million books later, and yet there is no end to our mental examination of the Bible. After all of this we have concluded that we really know something about the Bible. But we have to ask the question, if such is true, that we really know something about the Bible, how is it we as yet do not have our fellowship with the Father Lord of Lords King of Kings Love God Dad?

It is because in our seeking the King of the Kingdom we have presumed to enter into we as yet have not seen the King because our approach has been the presumptuous idea that such is accomplished through our mind through much mental examination of the Bible and reasoning about the meaning of it.. Seeking the Kingdom of Heaven is actually 2 words, "SEE KING."

If we would first see the King, He would fill our minds with who He truly is and our knowledge of the Bible would explode within us after the working of His Glorious and Mighty Spirit through His Spirit's gifts, administrations, and operations. Spiritual love, the subject of this article, is cultivated within us when, as those children that have not abandoned Him after being first filled with The Holy Ghost and crying "abba" Father, we grow from babies, to young adults, to the place of spiritual manhood/womanhood.

It is there, after many temptations, trials, and testings, even fiery trials, and much tribulation we become fit to know the King. It is at that time He reveals Himself to us as LOVE and we enter into fellowship with Him, each other, and the Lord Jesus Christ. It is then He imparts to us all that He has promised in the Covenant of His Love He made with us in the blood of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

At that time He imparts to us His LOVE nature, and we enter the Kingdom of God with all the rights, honors and privileges of Children of The Great King. We are His sons and daughters, joint heirs with Jesus Christ. We are Kings and Queens, a Holy Nation, a Royal Priesthood, predestined before this world was ever created to be Love rulers on this planet.

Spiritual love, understanding, knowledge, wisdom, eternal life, all that we seek from studying our Bible is this, knowing The Father of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. He is LOVE.

Love, In Christ Jesus, Saint701.