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PostPosted: Wed Jul 14, 2010 7:15 pm
by saint701
Hello All,


I missed you! Well, could use some help understanding what exactly happened to me last week. I elected to begin writing a column on spirituality on a site entitled examiner, a worldwide news service. My brother took offense at that for no apparent dinner that evening he flew into an uncontrollable rage, again, for no apparent reason.

I cooked the meal and served it as per usual, making no comments or giving off any bad question...did I touch a power or principality governing news commentaries that came upon my brother to thwart my writing effort?

Your thoughts on the matter would be greatly appreciated.


PostPosted: Wed Jul 14, 2010 8:09 pm
by mlg
Wow, I'm not really sure why your brother was so upset could be a matter of many different things...but not knowing much more of the circumstances on the background with your's hard for me to say.

Just know I'm in prayer for you.

luv ya

Filling in the gaps

PostPosted: Fri Jul 16, 2010 1:19 pm
by saint701
Hi All,


Guess it is time I filled in a few gaps in my story. Years ago my brother had the opportunity to become a born again spirit filled Christian. He rejected the opportunity in favor of a more secure life in the world. However, he does attend church regularly, but believes in a life of good works in the flesh as salvation, not works of grace governed and initiated by the Holy Spirit.

For whatever reason, some 2 months ago, the Lord allowed me to see the various spirits that govern his life as a consequence of his rejection of the Spirit filled life. I was also allowed to see those spirits come upon him and motivate him in his various actions.

At that point the Lord began teaching me how to drive those spirits away from him when their purpose was to bring discord between us...on the day all hell broke loose, I was interrupted in my prayers and failed to accomplish the task necessary to keep the peace.

End of story at this point I still looking for more direction if any of you would like to share.

Thanks, and Love ya all, Den.
It is most certainly far better to die in faith believing, than it is to live in unbelief.

PostPosted: Sat Jul 17, 2010 12:49 am
by mlg
awww now I see's the spirit within your brother that is sowing discord about you writing...the spirit feels threatened by what you are doing and doesn't want you to do anything good in it's presence. This is what I feel...I feel an evil spirit is surrounding your brother...and he doesn't see it so much...but you do...and I feel it too. So the answer is to bind the spirit.

luv ya