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Prayers For Deliverance

PostPosted: Thu Jul 01, 2010 12:31 pm
by saint701
Hello All,


Hi All, The Lord bless you and keep you this day, make His countenance to shine upon you, and lead you and guide you by His Holy Spirit in His way of the Cross our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.. ______, I ask that you pray this prayer over ______ 3 times a day in all faith strong and AUTHORITATIVE, believing. I now agree with you in the name of Jesus Christ as touching the FAther according to Matthew 18:19 on behalf of ______ for deliverance from all bondage, and that _______ be given freedom and new life in the Spirit of God in Christ Jesus..

Satan, we do take authority over you in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ, the name that is above every name, demanding you heed and obey the Word of God who has defeated you through the Cross of His suffering. We bring the offering of His mighty blood against your maneuvers and manipulations in the life of _______ now of (place)_______. You can boast no argument against the Blood of the Lamb, as such declares all upon this earth righteous to receive the redemption that is in Christ Jesus from all sin, curses, bondages, sicknesses, diseases, sorrows, griefs, and pains, to be made a righteous believing spirit of power, love, and a sound mind through the operation of the Holy Spirit of God.

Therefore, having been given authority by He that has conquered you, and in so doing won all power in heaven and earth, loosing back such power to His body of which I am a part of on this earth, I bind you in the life of _______ in all ways you have come in against him. I loose you from your assignment to bind him in sin and demand you return to your source. I anoint all doors wherein you have come in against _______ with the blood of Jesus and declare the forgiveness of God Almighty on his behalf, as His justice in demanding death has been paid by Jesus Christ our Lord. I declare that Jesus Christ is Lord of _______ this day, and he is free from the dominion of darkness. Father God, I ask in the name of Jesus, that _______ be covered and cleansed by the Blood of the Cross daily and continuously.

Heavenly Father, I ask in the mighty name of Jesus, the name that is above every name, for the angel of _______ you have given him be loosed to bring the light of your love of him and the light of knowledge, understanding, wisdom, and your great power to him through your glorious Kingdom into his heart, mind, and soul. I stand for _______, Angel of God given to _______. I loose you in the name of Jesus to effect in the life of _______ that which I have prayed. I love him. I know you love him. Give him the love of God. Surround him with the love of God. Keep him save from all harm in the love of God. Escort him into the Kingdom of Heaven this day through the blood of the cross and Jesus his Lord.