The Deceiveableness of All Unrighteousness

Hosted by Saint 701 ... This forum is for the purpose of examining the subject of Grace and its great place in God's work in the body of Christ Jesus of which we are a part. "The Book of Romans" was chosen for the title since that book is so rich in Grace to us, but in no way is this forum limited in examining Grace to only the "Book of Romans."

The Deceiveableness of All Unrighteousness

Postby saint701 » Thu May 13, 2010 3:40 pm

Hello All,


Preface Part II

I hope that by now my brothers and sisters in Christ Jesus that you are beginning to understand how the Lord has led me by grace through some tough areas involving witches. I am really trying to be willing and obedient in writing this. But I want you to know I truly hate some of things the grace of God has led me through. Now don't get me wrong. I am thankful for the grace and love and life He has given me, but relating this story is excruciatingly painful. I hate doing it because it brings up so much pain in my heart I can hardly stand it. But I am writing this story by His direction, and am doing so willingly if that makes sense.

Witches are a curse on this nation. Their very presence among us brings ruin to many lives. When this whole warfare struggle began for some of here on C.O. several weeks ago I went for a long walk praying in the spirit. After a couple of hours my spirit spoke up and said, "there's a witch!" As yet I do not know the source, but she or he or a coven are behind our recent afflictions. We need angels in this battle and should be seeking the Lord for their aide.

I went back to teaching. I was given the opportunity to become a Principal at a small elementary school about an hours drive from my home. It was really too far to commute because of the responsibilities I would have during the evenings. I bought a small mobile home and had it parked in a court about a mile from the school.

My particular school was located about 10 miles outside the main district. It served students that were located out in the surrounding county. Not long after I arrived I met the school's counselor. He was a fine gentleman with a lovely wife and 3 darling children. He had a history in Catholicism, but the Lord had given him grace to come out, become born again and Spirit filled.

Consequently, many in the community despised him as many were of that faith. Of course when I met him I had no idea what he was about to go through or the part I would play in the middle of it. I just really loved the guy as having a born again Spirit filled brother in the community was a tremendous blessing to me.

He invited me to attend his Wednesday night Bible study, so I did. It was really like a church service. We sang praises and studied the Word. I was happy!

Such happiness didn't last long. My friend began to share with me the troubles he was having with the school board. Seems a student who's father was on the school board had come to him for help on a matter, and my friend had volunteered prayer. This got back to the school board member who already had it in for the guy because he had left his church.

Soon I held a meeting for the teachers that I supervised to discuss a new reading program being introduced in the school district. Such was badly needed. Test scores were down, especially at the primary level. Unfortunately the program was brought in by my counselor friend, which made my staff dislike him all the more as they too were of that faith he had left.

During the meeting one of my staff came right out and said, "I hate," and said my friend's name. I was shocked! Never before or since have I been part of such a meeting where anything like that was said. I politely asked the lady if we could just please not be bitter toward my friend or the new program, and just get through it for the benefit of the students. They did not even agree reluctantly, but got up and stomped out when the meeting was over.

I immediately saw my future in that district. I was toast! One of the ladies tended bar during the evenings at a nearby country club of which aforementioned school board member was also a member. They discussed their dislike of my godly friend.

The oppression and persecution began. Even at this time I still wasn't willing to admit that my wife was witch that belonged to a coven, but I could see how me losing the job could effect my marriage. But it was already too late to do anything about the future as in our Lord's plan for my life, bad things were on the way.

Notwithstanding, I spent the evening in prayer and praising the Lord. I sang His high praises in the Spirit for a long time. And I prayed with groanings and utterings. I went to bed.

By bed was in the bedroom. That is where bedrooms should be, right? Well, about an hour after hitting the sack hands come out of nowhere in a totally darkened room and began to strangle me! Now that will get your attention right quick! I jumped out of bed, turned on the light, and began to look around. There wasn't anyone there!

I went back to bed. I hadn't been in bed again 10 minutes when again, those hands wrapped around my throat. I didn't know what was going on, but I immediately moved my bed into the living room where there was more light. I surmised such hands were intended to intimidate me and discourage me from joining in the spiritual battle now raging around my friend.

I didn't learn until a few years later that some witches can astrally project. Such gives more meaning to we walk by faith and not by sight! Anyway, I began to wonder what I had gotten myself into and just how such was going to effect my family as my wife was carrying our second child. Talk about ouch!

Going to work each day in itself became a real chore. I swore I could see giant wasps the size of small dogs flying through the hallway making the place feel like a loveless prison. The teachers hated me and they hated my friend and there was literally nothing I could do about it but fight back the best I knew how and take my lumps. I dreamed of a giant ape holding a piece of paper that had a writing on it that said there would not be enough change to stop what it was trying to do.

Again, I was a novice in spiritual things. I didn't even know how to put on the whole armor of God, just allow the Holy Spirit to groan and utter through me. Not withstanding, no matter how I prayed, nothing changed. And to make matters worse my dad went into the hospital with angina pains, and not long afterward had triple bypass surgery.

I decided I wasn't going to let my affliction be for nothing. I began to teach the Bible as history to my students during Civics class, and I taught it as truth. I covered quite a bit with them in a few short months. When I felt I had covered enough I gave an invitation to my students to pray with me for salvation. I got seven takers!

I knew what would happen the next day. I went home that night and prayed that the Lord would allow me to continue receiving my pay for the remainder of the year, (it was April), along with health insurance as such covered the upcoming birth of my son.

As I expected the next day after school the Superintendent showed up. What I didn't expect was that he was forced to come by a bunch of men waiting outside the school to beat me if I didn't consent to stop teaching the Bible to my students. The superintendent lamented the fact one of the parents had complained that his daughter had been one of the seven and now expected him to take her to church each Sunday.

I said right or wrong I am not going to stop teaching the Bible to my students. He placed me on suspension with full pay and benefits to continue and I made him put it in writing. He did. At least my family was covered in that respect, but such wouldn't end the battle. I see now I am still in that same fight today. It has never ended. I see now how things over the course of the past 30 years have all been connected, wife, witches coven, jobs, all of it leading me here to our Lord's finest hour on this planet. His grace is sufficient indeed!

Driving home to my 2 year old daughter and pregnant witch wife that night I surmised my life in the world was over and seminary was the answer for me as a career choice. I didn't know it at the time, but such was not going to be the case. The Lord had not extended His grace to me for that.

My dad had to go back in the hospital. It was touch and go as they administered various medications in an attempt to stabilize him, and during one of his more conscious moments I was able to lead him to the Lord. Two weeks later he passed away.

A month after that my first son was born. Life was bittersweet.

End of Preface Part II

To be continued...

L, ICJ, Saint701.
Last edited by saint701 on Sat May 22, 2010 10:57 am, edited 1 time in total.
It is most certainly far better to die in faith believing, than it is to live in unbelief.
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