#11 The Holy Spirit
Posted: Sat May 31, 2014 7:47 pm
Had a great morning of prayer and praise. Worked at the hospital where I did my study (since it's so quiet on Saturdays). It's very hard for me to divide God into 3 separate persons; I tend to relate more to Jesus and yet I don't feel very close even to Him. Not having had a relationship with my Father, it's very difficult for me to identify with a loving Father (but the studies and music are helping tremendously!). I'm looking forward to reading the Holy Spirit studies--I'm sure those will help me to better establish and maintain a relationship with the Holy Spirit. I spent a good part of the afternoon downloading and organizing praise & worship songs into my iPod for my trip to Colorado Springs next Thursday. We're going to visit our daughter, her husband and our 3 and 1 year old granddaughters. I will fortify myself with my Christian music and material on my iPod and my Kindle. I would welcome prayer for this trip--for little to no pain and for God's anointing of favor and peace, and love.