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In depression and needing lots of prayer

PostPosted: Fri Mar 29, 2013 7:28 pm
by ElvinH
About two months ago I had a terrible event happen in my life which has thrown me into a state of depression. The last time I had depression was when my son was killed In a car accident. This is a different type of depression I can't sleep, I have a constant sick stomach, I have thoughts in my head that I just can't get rid of. I have lost the majority of what little business I have and now I am trying to find a job which everyone knows is not that easy.
I did find some comfort in going through the counseling and I need to do it again but I need lots of prayer. I mean lots of prayers, I am desperate. I can't find relief at all unless I take medication which I don't want to do. I am trying to have faith and believe that God will take care of this issue but as soon as I start feeling a little better something comes up.
For some of you reading this that have a problem with depression I truly do feel for you. I can't imagine living with this problem the majority of your life. I have talk to some people where their spouse has had depression for most of their life. I have only had this problem for a short time and I truly hate this. I thank God for a strong family especially my wife.
Thank you for your prayers I do believe in the power of prayer. *Pray*

Re: In depression and needing lots of prayer

PostPosted: Sat Mar 30, 2013 12:15 am
by JulieAnn
Elvin, My heart goes out to you as I can relate to what you described. I've had a few seasons of depression over the years, and I've learned a few things that, hopefully, I can offer a ray of hope. God is fully aquainted with what you are going through, and He holds the victory and healing you need. Keep your eyes fixed on Him. He will bring you through this! Like you, my first bout of major depression overtook me after my younger sister died suddenly. I thought I was being strong in the Lord, but I now realize I wasn't. My attempt to be strong was only covering up and denying the grief and many questions I had. About 2 months later I fell apart - spiritually, emotionally and physically. Most likely it was a nervous breakdown, although I was never 'diagnosed' as having had a breakdown. It began with anxiety/panic attacks and then ulitmately ended in a severe depression. You said this time around the depression you feel is different. But you mention that 2 months ago you had a terrible event happen, which threw you into depression. Traumatic events can and do bring on depression, and often the depression is preceeded by severe anxitey, which will manifest in numerous ways. What you describe sounds like severe anxiety, i.e.: "can't sleep, sick stomach, and unconrollable thoughts". Anxiety can have many symptoms: weight loss, unexplained fear, panic, etc are all signs of anxiety. Anxiety very often leads to a depression. One major Iesson I learned is this: take medicine if you need it. Don't put yourself through 'hell' by refusing medication. Do your research and take treatment best for you. Traumatic events, health issues, and chemical imbalances in the brain can cause anxiety/depression, so dont feel shame over the need for medication, if needed, at least until you feel stable. I would suggest seeing a "biblical" counselor to get to the root of any 'spiritual issues' that may be the cause of your anxiety and depression. Also, make dietary changes, exercise, and get some sunshine, etc. Regardless of the root cause of the anxiety/depression, a healthy diet and exercise will make you feel better. I will pray for you - spirit, soul and body. God bless you Elvin. In His love, JulieAnn

Re: In depression and needing lots of prayer

PostPosted: Sat Mar 30, 2013 4:18 am
by ElvinH
Thank You JulieAnn, what you are saying is completely true. That is how I feel. I am sorry for your loss it is a terrible thing to lose someone that close. My son had the same issues you did when his brother (my son) died it took him three years to get over it. I will try to take your advice now since the weather is getting nicer maybe I can go out and get some sunshine. The very night I wrote this my wife suggested I listen to Joyce Meyer. So I turned on you tube and found her preaching on worry and anxiety. If you get a chance listen to her on this issue she nails it as for how you need to handle worry and anxiety.
I really appreciate your prayers. ThankYou again and God Bless you

Re: In depression and needing lots of prayer

PostPosted: Wed Apr 03, 2013 5:48 am
by ElvinH
Please feel free to reply even if all you say is, I'm praying for you. Sometimes that's all it takes to lift your spirits. For me being depressed,in fear and worried you just like hearing from people. Just to know that other people are thinking of you it can truly help. Even for others that are writing on this site I'm sure they feel the same way. When you see that you have so many views but only 3 or 4 people leaving a message.

I do appreciate people looking and hopefully praying for me but I also like to read what you have to say. I treasure your thoughts as well as i'm sure everyone else on this site.

I feel like I am speaking for everyone. You just don't know what you might say that may not seem like much to you but it might mean the world to the other person.

May God Bless you.

Re: In depression and needing lots of prayer

PostPosted: Wed Apr 03, 2013 5:21 pm
by mlg
Hi ElvinH *hugs* I understand totally where you are coming from on wanting a reply to your posts. Sometimes we just need to be encouraged and we need to know that we are loved. We really should turn to God for support and encouragement, but when one is in the pit of depression it's hard to see the light to get out of the tunnel we are in...and that is when we need someone to come find us and show us the way. Just a hand from a friend is often all we need to find our way back....but one also has to be willing to accept that hand or otherwise they remain in the tunnel.

May God bring a smile to you, and may you know He is there and loves you very much.

Take care

Re: In depression and needing lots of prayer

PostPosted: Wed Apr 03, 2013 5:40 pm
by JulieAnn
Praying for you Elvin.

Re: In depression and needing lots of prayer

PostPosted: Wed Apr 03, 2013 8:54 pm
by Timothy
You're in my prayers ElvinH.
His peace be with you.


Re: In depression and needing lots of prayer

PostPosted: Wed Apr 10, 2013 4:23 am
by ElvinH
Proverbs 12:25. Anxiety weighs down the heart, but a kind word cheers it up.

Re: In depression and needing lots of prayer

PostPosted: Wed Apr 10, 2013 5:16 pm
by mlg

Re: In depression and needing lots of prayer

PostPosted: Fri Apr 12, 2013 10:24 am
by Dora
ElvinH wrote:Proverbs 12:25. Anxiety weighs down the heart, but a kind word cheers it up.

Thanks for sharing all of what you shared. Especially this. It cheered me up. I understand depression all to well. I gave in and started taking medication. I wish I had of started herbs instead. The side effects of the meds are difficult. Keep seeking good thoughts brother. Your not alone in this. Praying for you.

Re: In depression and needing lots of prayer

PostPosted: Thu May 02, 2013 10:44 pm
by ElvinH
After seeing how many views I was getting I wanted to give everyone an update. Over the last month or so I have come to trust God even more thanks to my wife. If it wasn't for her I would have lost my mind by now. When I am at my lowest point she is there to read me scripture, tell me how much God loves me and pray for me. She truly is my angel that God has sent to me. Just a few nights ago I had some news that sent me back into my fear and depression. It was so bad that I just sat here on the couch and cried. When she got home from her bible study she sat here with me and prayed for me. Then we talked about Gods protection and how he loves us and will take care of us.
She has such a knowledge of God and the Bible that I can't imagine going through what I am with anyone else. For the last 35 years of our marriage I was the one telling her not to worry about things and now at my lowest point of my life everything is now reversed I'm the weak one and she is the pillar of strength.
Even though things look the same as they did over 3 months ago this has given me a new love for God, the Bible, my family and my wife. I have also found new friends like you. It is so nice to hear from each of you knowing that you are praying for my family. Even though I can't tell you what all is going on in my life God knows. So if you would just say a prayer my wife and myself i would really appreciate it. Thank You

Re: In depression and needing lots of prayer

PostPosted: Fri May 03, 2013 12:55 am
by Mackenaw
Hello ElvinH,

Prayers continue to rise to our Lord in the name of Jesus on behalf of you and your wife. May God's blessed will be done.

God bless and keep you, ElvinH.
In Christ Jesus' love,
Sister Mack