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Day 2...Weeding

PostPosted: Tue Sep 18, 2012 3:04 pm
by rk7800
So I have been given the task to weed my garden. I don't know yet all the things that need to be weeded out but I know I will learn.

There are circumstances in my life that I don't like and want to be able to deal with. I think the thing that has been with me the longest, except for the divorce of my parents, was not accomplishing my goal when I was a senior in HS. I was very active in FFA and had made a goal as a freshman to become a state FFA officer. I did all the right things, participated in all the right activities, focused myself, everything. But it wasn't enough. I wasn't elected to the shock of EVERYBODY. So I was upset and angry and maybe I still am. I see now that God had another plan for me and I wouldn't be where I am now if that one goal had been accomplished. I hope this isn't still a block in my road and that I am over it. But maybe I am not and just don't know it.

I need to weed out bad influences, bad thoughts, the people that bring me down and who spark my anger. I need to be at peace with who God made me and strive daily to be more like Him. I always try to live up to everybody else's expectations and make everybody else happy. I need to constantly remind myself that I just serve God and nobody else.

I am sure there are other weeds I will come up with as I study today. Probably should have made this post at night.