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Step 1 - The Healing Path

PostPosted: Thu Aug 23, 2012 6:44 am
by Remnant
Journal: Step 1 - To confess

All of my previous sins have been forgiven and forgotten. - Thank you Lord Jesus. However there are things which still torment me - smoking. I have smoked since I was 8 years old and I am now 50. I have prayed and prayed, tried and tried. I will try again - I always do. I see this as a chain which holds me back, allowing me to only go so far

another is worry and depression, although I seem to have a handle on these most of the time - it gets me about twice a year.

another is low self esteem/confidence and again it hits me sometimes when I least expect it. Thoughts associated with this are: You will never be that woman of God, You can't do this, etc

Get thee behind me - In Jesus name. I've come too far, I love the Lord too much to sit down again. Father - surround me with your Holy Spirit, Holy Spirit - be with me. In Jesus Name.


Re: Step 1 - The Healing Path

PostPosted: Thu Aug 23, 2012 10:42 pm
by mlg
Hello Remnant,

Welcome to the Oasis! I couldn't help but think of this verse of scripture when I read your post.

Isaiah 50:10 Who is among you that feareth the LORD, that obeyeth the voice of his servant, that walketh in darkness, and hath no light? let him trust in the name of the LORD, and stay upon his God.

Now when at first you read this verse and you say...hath no light...hold up but I know Jesus...of course you do...but look at the verse a bit deeper...that worry and depression...isn't that moments in your life where you are in darkness without light? I mean the enemy is the one who brings that stuff to ya to try and bring ya down isn't he? Well then check out the next verse it says "stay upon his God". My friend when that enemy comes a knockin' at your door....send Jesus to answer it for you...instead of answering it alone.

Praying for you.

Take care and God Bless

Re: Step 1 - The Healing Path

PostPosted: Fri Aug 24, 2012 6:26 am
by Remnant
I absolutely love your reply. I am currently reminding myself when the little things come up to say - "get thee behind me" and "this belongs to the Lord"

Thank you so much,