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step 1

PostPosted: Tue Aug 07, 2012 9:09 pm
by crystalwwjd
I just want to do what's right by god. I have had depression since I was 7yrs old and I just started antidepressants and anti anxiety meds. Sometimes I feel like it is against God other times I feel like its right. My depression causes me to sit for days unable to function and my husband has to do all the chores when he gets home. Its so tough being a depressed christian

Re: step 1

PostPosted: Wed Aug 08, 2012 7:08 am
by Christnundrconstruxn
Hello Crystal,
Welcome to the Oasis, I understand your feelings of depression and the meds and I'm sure some others will come and give more input too but as for me I wanted to share I too fight it but mine is not as bad as some and I have chose to not go for meds BUT if it was to worsen yes with NO doubt in my mind I would and NO I do not think God would want either of us to suffer with this disease or anybody for that matter, it is no different than someone else who suffers from heart problems or any other health issue, He would want us to heal and if it was by meds then so be it.
Do not allow satan to fill your head with those thoughts anymore, you see you are scaring satan cause he knows you are healing and will become stronger through God and he doesn't like that so he will throw anything at you he can to discourage you.
God bless and I hope you find healing of this

Re: step 1

PostPosted: Wed Aug 08, 2012 8:25 am
by dema
Suggestions to help:

Depression is like walking into a dark room and the door slamming behind you. You can't remember the good things. And depression wants you to do things to keep it going. As far as you are able, do something on the list - do as many as you can as long as you can. And reward yourself for anything you do - no condemnation allowed.

1. Consider the minutes - try to add good minutes.
2. Open the blinds, turn on the lights.
3. Look up
4. Read a Bible verse
5. Turn on Christian music
6. Throw one piece of trash away, take one dish to the kitchen, do one anything. You can do one little thing.
7. When you are not depressed, put together a blessings journal. When you are depressed, read it.
8. Smile - you may not feel it, but do it anyway.
9. Stand up straight and take a deep breath.
10. Ask God to help you and give it to God. Actually, this should be added on to every step.


Re: step 1

PostPosted: Wed Aug 08, 2012 9:27 am
by Tamtam77
Welcome Crystal,
I am so glad you are here at Christian Oasis!!! I have a little experience with depression. It is no fun. Mine usually only lasts for one day, I could not imagine it lasting any longer. ((((HUGS)))). As for the meds, talk to the Holy Spirit and have him guide you as to what you should do concerning them. I have had a few friends with different disorders..(bi-polar, depression) and medication really helped them, but I'm not an expert. Like I said, I'm glad you are here. Remember, 2 Corinthians 12:9- My strength is made perfect in weakness. Your sis in Christ,