Something good out of something odd
Posted: Tue Nov 15, 2011 8:18 pm
Today my son was sick so I kept him out of school. I brought him to work with me in the morning so I could talk to my boss about having off to take care of him. While I was waiting on her to arrive, my son was talking to one of my co-workers. She asked him if he had any pets and he responded with my mommy and daddy are split apart. She was assamed and appologized to me. She said she did not expect that answer. I told her it was ok she should not feel bad. Later I asked Tommy why he told her that. He said I just wanted her to know. I then asked him how he felt. As expected he said he was sad. I made sure he knew that both myself and mommy loved him very much and us being apart had nothing to do with him. I then told him if he had any questions he could ask me and I would tell him the truth. I told him I still loved mommy very much and I had somethings I had to change to get back with mommy. I asked him if he has talked to mommy about this. He said yes. He said that mommy WANTED TO GET BACK TOGETHER WITH DADDY. This was surprising response and an uplifting response. I told him that is good and no matter what happens we both love him very much. Today she actually made plans ahead of time to see if I wanted the kids on a certain day. Unfortunatly for me it is a day that I am working but at least she thought of me first. Things are moving in the right direction. One step at a time one day at a time.