Em's thoughts Day 3
Posted: Fri Jan 21, 2011 12:23 pm
So here I am, another snow day, I am off because I'm a teacher. And I'm having a pity party. A party where no one wants to join! I miss Steven and Timothy and the only way I see my daughters is on Facebook! There is an upside to this, I had a civil lunch with Scott (husband) at the house as I had to drop off my W-2 form. It was relaxed and easy. We need to keep a relationship for the children's sake, I want to keep the family intact as much as possible. I don't have the money to do anything or go anywhere; if I read I fall asleep; if I work on my jigsaw puzzle I think; computer games is what occupies my time. Work and church is my life right now and I do embrace that!
Phil 4:6-8
Phil 4:6-8