Day Three (God's Grace)
Posted: Fri Dec 31, 2010 7:36 pm
Dear God,
I Humbley and sincerly repent of all my sins both known and unknown...thank you for your countless mercy and grace...I recieve your forgiveness and I also forgive myself for past mistakes and sins that had caused me to step outta character and fall outta grace...I am so thankful your mercy and grace is given fresh daily...I appreciate all that you have ever done for me..even when I didn't deserve it...I love you with all my heart n soul..with every single ounce of my being...I want to serve you and serve others in what ever shape or form you will allow me....Use me to be a reflection of who you are and what you mean to the lost sheep of the world...Direct my footsteps in your word...Holy Spirit guide and direct me...I love you Lord...