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Day 10 - The Path
WOW! What a great lesson on prayer......alot of things stood out to me but the one that the Holy Spirit seems to be strongly impressing on me is about forgiving others when you pray. That is something that I struggle with daily. There are people in my life who have hurt me in such horrendous ways that I just can't seem to find it in my heart to forgive them....some of these folks have already passed on but I still want them punished for what they did to me. I feel like they deserve to be punished.........the same way I feel that I should be punished for the horrible things that I have done. I guess that being unable or unwilling to forgive them makes it even harder for me to forgive myself. Seems like a vicious cycle that I am caught up in. How do I break it? How do I find within me the strength and WILLINGNESS to forgive those that I deem unworthy of forgiveness? Where is my compassion? Why do I hate these folks so much? Do they deserve what I think they deserve or am I just being selfish? Am I allowing my pain to obscure my view? If so, then how do I let go of the pain so that I can move on with forgiveness? I believe that all of this also ties into the fact that I have a very difficult time accepting God's forgiveness......even though it is free......I have a difficult time accepting it. It must also play into my self esteem issues....I don't feel worthy to receive forgiveness, I don't like fact, it would probably be fair to say that there are times that I actually hate myself....those are the times that I just want to end it all. I don't know if any of this rambling makes sense but if it does, and you have words of wisdom or encouragement to share with me PLEASE do so!

living4Him - Posts: 54
- Location: Mooresville, NC
- Marital Status: Single
Hello living4Him you asked if you were being selfish by not forgiving...and the answer is yes my sister you are. In fact I have been just like you many times myself...very selfish...wanting what I want...thinking I'm justified and yet I'm not by any means because God Says and I am suppose to listen...and yet I choose not to many times....and when we choose to not forgive and not to accept forgiveness then we have made it all about us and not about God...which is selfish.
So work on being less you and more God...come on are moving forward...just be patient with You and with God.
luv ya
So work on being less you and more God...come on are moving forward...just be patient with You and with God.
luv ya
Do you know my Jesus? Do you know my friend? Have you heard He loves you? If not, I'd like to introduce you.
mlg - Posts: 4428
- Marital Status: Not Interested
Hello Living4Him
God bless you this day.
For those of us that were really good at faking behaviors which fooled people -- in order for us to survive, this principle of God can be a little confusing. We want to be done with faking things, so the saying "fake it 'til you make it" makes us cringe a little. So, I, instead, say, "I'm believing 'til I receive". I choose to believe God and His Word, and in so doing I'm going to receive it.
As a new creature, as a new woman, as a Born Again child of God, you want the fullness of the new life in Christ. The old you is still there, but you are choosing the new.
Believe in Jesus.
God bless and keep you, Living4Him.

God bless you this day.
For those of us that were really good at faking behaviors which fooled people -- in order for us to survive, this principle of God can be a little confusing. We want to be done with faking things, so the saying "fake it 'til you make it" makes us cringe a little. So, I, instead, say, "I'm believing 'til I receive". I choose to believe God and His Word, and in so doing I'm going to receive it.
As a new creature, as a new woman, as a Born Again child of God, you want the fullness of the new life in Christ. The old you is still there, but you are choosing the new.
Believe in Jesus.
God bless and keep you, Living4Him.
Mackenaw - Posts: 2426
- Location: NY
- Marital Status: Married
yes, and it also helps to realize that the burden of that unforgiveness is yours that you are carrying. The others don't care or even sometimes know that you are holding unforgiveness over them but it it holding you in bondage. You have to let it go in order for God to be able to do something about it.
Forgiveness doesn't mean what they did was right but that you are ready to let it go so you can heal.
Forgiveness doesn't mean what they did was right but that you are ready to let it go so you can heal.
It is better to light a candle then curse the darkness
No fear... just freedom

No fear... just freedom

deetu - Posts: 937
- Location: New Jersey
- Marital Status: Married
mlg, mack, & deetu
Thank you so much for your responses! I am so grateful to have friends who will tell me the truth in love. I realize that this is an obstacle in my spiritual growth. Pray with me that I am able to overcome it and live victorious......

living4Him - Posts: 54
- Location: Mooresville, NC
- Marital Status: Single
How do I find within me the strength and WILLINGNESS to forgive those that I deem unworthy of forgiveness?
Because we are unworthy of forgiveness and He gave anyway.

It can be done. Through Christ who gives you strength. Keep seeking it sis. It's well worth laying down the weapon and letting God fight the battle.
We are just to be His kids. Not the judge or the jury.

Dora - Posts: 3759
- Location: In Gods Hands
- Marital Status: Married
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