The Power of Prayer
Posted: Mon Feb 01, 2010 9:59 am
As I continue to learn the TRUTH I feel the presence of the Lord more and more *harp* Hallejah! I believe the Holy Spirit is helping me with prayer because prior to learning how to pray I was guilty of repetition and thinking of other things not focusing on what exactly I was praying for. Now the Holy Spirit puts words in my mind helping me to pray more effective. Keep in mind these aren't just any words, they're more like helpful hints of things I need to either work on or want. Our GOD is an AWESOME GOD! *band*
GOD knows I have much to learn and much to improve on but that is what the Power of Prayer is for when you believe and truly honest with yourself. It has been very therapeutic for me and I love it! *Pray* Thank Lord Jesus.
GOD knows I have much to learn and much to improve on but that is what the Power of Prayer is for when you believe and truly honest with yourself. It has been very therapeutic for me and I love it! *Pray* Thank Lord Jesus.