Now we can rest in Jesus. In spite of all the evil . . .
we can calm down > "Peace, be still!" (in Mark 4:39)
And enjoy the Lord > Jesus is our Groom so more than any husband or wife,
for us to love and enjoy, right now, in spite of all the evil and cheating.
This evil world is so dishonest about money and honey;
but we Christians keep being blessed by You, O LORD, to earn money in an honest way,
in spite of how this evil world does things dishonestly with the financial situation.
Plus, we can have honey, even now while this world has people so they
can not love and share beautifully and sweetly and sensitively > we can.
I was on my bed with my eyes closed, and there was a big spot of yellowish light,
with a thin border of another color with clear lines between the yellow,
the border line, and the surrounding dark.
It was like a leopard spot, except each leopard spot is made of smaller spots.
Then the bright yellow softened maybe with changing of colors of the spot and border line,
and the lines softened so there was blending.
And later I thought . . . the leopard spot changed, to become soft and gentle (o:
So . . . with God it was possible for me to change my spots (o:
I have been like the leopard that is a loner and aggressive,
then becoming a religious perfectionist with such clear lines
drawn between right and wrong, but not being able to share in love >
but now I'd say You, LORD, are correcting and transforming and warming me
to become soft and gentle in love of caring for all people > and this
can spread to make others the same way > how I am can spread, by means of You, God,
how You change others to become also softly tender and caring and feeling for others.
Better, please make me better like this, *please* > I feel how I need to be more genuine and honest
in real love, so this can really spread through me because of You really doing this and
not me just thinking this and wishing this (o:
So, yes, In Need > as you grow in God's love and are corrected (Hebrews 13:1-11) more to be His real example, this can spread to your husband to make him the same way >
. . . . . are you becoming how he needs to become . . . so this can spread to him?
Have you considered 1 Peter 3:1-4?
And 1 Peter 5:3 . . . and even if he does not change to become first about pleasing God . . .
you obeying God will have results in other people >
"'In your seed
. . . . . . . all the nations of the earth shall be blessed,
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . because you have obeyed My voice.'" (Genesis 22:18)
So - - - obedience is key . . . that You, God, know we are really being obedient.
"Therefore, my beloved brethren, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that your labor is not in vain in the Lord." (1 Corinthians 15:58)
Now you can be getting into being the example that really is God's example . . . so he can't just slip and sneak into fitting together with you in what is not really in God's love. Matthew 5:46
"And I will very gladly spend and be spent for your souls;
though the more abundantly I love you, the less I am loved."
(2 Corinthians 12:15)
This is our Apostle Paul's example of how to love . . . loving all people, like this. This loving is way beyond how a lot of us have been loving in our marriages and friendships, and this is why our relationships have failed: because they were limited to loving only certain people like husbands, wives, our children, and certain favorite others. And this limited love is weak so we can break down in arguing and complaining and cheating and abuse, more or less. Only God's all-loving can make us stronger and beautiful and sweet in spite of all the evil even of ones in our own families and friendships.
"And who is he who will harm you if you become followers of what is good?" (1 Peter 3:13) So, You are able to do this with us, LORD our Father almighty with Your love
immune against the effects of evil in this world