Hi Scootles,
I sure feel and can relate to your frustration. Is it possible, Sis, that you are looking at your life and history, focusing on all of those screw ups (that each and every one of us has!!), and trying to figure out how Jesus can possibly fit into all of that destruction and chaos?? That's sure how I approached it for the longest time. But that, my dear, is backwards!
Instead of us seeing the mess we've made and trying to fit our Lord into OUR creation (of a mess!), we need to start instead with creation as HE made it! Perfect, beautiful, balanced, orderly.
Now, we can certainly seem to make a mess of all that through our poor choices, but the great news is that God never lets go of HIS creation. He loves us enough to let us go our on wanderings, but HE NEVER LETS GO!!
My point is that when we start with our mess, it stays a mess. When we realize that God and HIS power are so infinitely more than our ability to mess things us, we are starting from that rock-solid foundation, and we're much more open to allowing HIM to show us the way to wholeness and healing. He knows we belong with Him, and He wants us there. In fact, He sent His Son to earth to ensure we'd never be separated from Him, regardless of our mess.
Start with HIM, Scootles, not yourself. The Path becomes much more clear.
Hang in there, Scootles. His love really can move mountains.