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Day three

Postby Christine_RL » Wed Jul 20, 2011 1:25 pm

I'm trying to remember to keep going each day, knowing that each day a little more progress is being made and things won't change overnight. And it encourages me to see members reply to my entries pushing me forward to complete this path. It helps to know that I'm not alone.

Reading about God's grace and "letting go, letting God" is something I need to see over and over again, so I won't forget it. Earlier this year, I needed to "let go and let God" when I was working on a large sculpture project. It was the biggest piece I ever worked on and it was for a public art project for a fundraiser. For two months I worked on it and two weeks before the deadline, an unfortunate accident happened and a piece of my sculpture was majorly damaged. Without remembering God's grace I don't think I could have kept a level head to complete my sculpture on time. All I could do was keep on keeping on and let God take care of the rest. Another thing that I was thankful for was the time that was available to me to work on a project like that. Since I didn't have a job, I was able to make working on my sculpture a full-time job and it was such an enjoyable, challenging and rewarding experience. I learned some valuable lessons while working on my sculpture and I hope I'll always remember the lessons learned.
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Re: Day three

Postby xxJILLxx » Thu Jul 21, 2011 7:37 am

Hello Chrisitine,

It helps tremendously to know that others care enough to see you through. Can u just imagine if that is so for humans, how much more He is caring and cheering you on? Your Heavenly Father? I can just imagine Him smiling down on you and how proud He must be of His darling daughter to care enough about Him to see this through. *Clap* Ahhhh REALationships are the most genuine and heartfelt.

Sculpting.... something I had wanted to do one day. You know we are alot like our Father, We love to create and enjoy creating things :) Even if they turn out not perfect we still love what we created *dunno* sound familiar? Thank U Father for loving Your creations, imperfections and all. And those flaws?? They add character! ;)

God bless you n keep you
our sis
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Re: Day three

Postby sbennett » Thu Jul 21, 2011 12:14 pm

*Clap* Im so glad you are continuing on your journey. I am praying for you *Pray* . I too love the phrase Let go and let God. It is so simple but sooooooo life changing. *BigGrin* God is going to bless you as you grow closer to Him! *Cross*
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