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Zemirah's journal - day 14 ....

Postby Zemirah » Thu Jul 07, 2011 8:39 pm

I know God says to trust Him with all of this

I want to end this 14 days victoriously .......

and I'm not defeated; and I know the battle belongs to the Lord

I'm just reeling from news I had the other day; and my mind is racing with so many thoughts and concerns and so many unanswered questions

also feels like letting people down here to be feeling like this right now
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Re: Zemi's journal - day 14 ....

Postby Dora » Fri Jul 08, 2011 9:56 am

Oh Zemi you aren't letting us down! You are human and so are we. We understand completely!!!

Sis keeping hope alive is a day to to moment struggle for me. Please don't think I would be disappointed in you.

God has often shown me David and how we are simular in the up and down feeling and the way he'd get caught up in the world and how I'm not alone in that. Even the feelings of fear and how utterly disappointing he must of felt he looked to God at times. Oh goodness do I relate to David.

And Joshua how utterly discouraging it must of been to loose his family by being sold into slavery and I"m certain he suffered all kinds of abuse as a slave. Then struggling with anger and unforgiveness towards his family and feeling cheated and robbed by them cause they took away years of enjoying his parents company and guidance. Then how when he finally saw their repentance and shame his heart melted for them and he was able to forgive. Oh how I am so like that! I want revenge until I see their brokenness and then I can let go and forgive instead of forgiving quickly.

There is just story after story of failure in the bible and in my own life. You are not alone. Being His child doesn't mean we feel victorious all the time. It just means we are His child. :) His grace is sufficient and His strength is made perfect in our weaknesses. Isn't He glorious!

Please don't allow guilt to pile up on top of your already struggling soul. Grieve the situation and give it to God. And just be His child. There are no expectations. Give Him what is your best and allow Him to work out the rest. His yoke is easy His burden is light. Rest in His love and grace dear sweet sister.

Oh you're not finished yet! lol Might be finished with the cccc but there are so many more programs just waiting for you and the Lord to walk down together. May I suggest the M.C.F.C. or the Spirit of Truth study or even the virtuous woman study? :) I know you'll do well how ever you choose. The spirit of truth, if you've not done it yet, it's like a great big hug from the Holy Spirit. It might be just what your soul is in need of right now.

*hug5* God bless and keep you. He loves you! And so do I!
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Re: Zemi's journal - day 14 ....

Postby Ingegrity » Fri Jul 08, 2011 8:12 pm ... nfident+...

Hi zem...the above link is about hope. I really like Joseph Prince. God really uses him to minister to me!

I am on your side Zem!

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Re: Zemi's journal - day 14 ....

Postby xxJILLxx » Sat Jul 09, 2011 10:56 am


*Clap* glad you made it through the 14 steps! Accomplishment there. You stood strong and did your part. *Clap*

Praying that you will begin to feel His peace over your unanswered questions and concerns. I get how you are feeling... been there *BigGrin*

Like a "ok God, now what?" kinda thang lingering over ya.

THIS is just the beginning. Everyday we need to weed our minds and continue to grow in HIm. Choose a stronge foundation to grow your mind on and build on that relationship from the foundation up. He meets us where we are and builds with us. You will never be alone. He is along side of you and we are cheering you on and here to support you in your walk. I'm am truly excited to see all the growth He is doing in you. Also i think it to be wise to go back and do the steps when needed, sometimes daily sometimes hourly. Absorb yourself with Him and His truth when you feel isolated and also reaching out and helping others along in their walk brings us closer to Him, which i think you do beautifully by the way *AngelYellow* . A common love between daughter and Father for their growing family.:)

love ya lots
God bless n keep you
your sis
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Re: Zemi's journal - day 14 ....

Postby Lani » Sat Jul 09, 2011 12:25 pm

*Glomp2* ZEMI!!!!!!!!!!!!
*Cheer3* DAY 14!!!!!!!!!! *Cheer3* Whooo hooooooooooo!

Dear Sis can I say, your journey has been beautiful.
This road to healing is a continued journey, the truths shared through The Path are but the building blocks to grow from.

I am sorry you are not feeling so hopeful... what stole your hope? Girl, Claim it back! :)

As for letting us down? *Hug9* not possible.... this is a seed cruddy is tryin to plant, kick it too! It has been such an honor to walk this Path with ya sis. One step at a time :) remember, healing is not an overnight thing but with each day, New Hope blossoms. I am excited to see how our Lord continues to speak through you.

"I Have Been There" is one of the most powerful rays of LIGHT we can send out to those we meet along this journey.
Jesus said it first:
John 16:33
"These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world."

May He ALWAYS be your source of strength.

Peace and Luv in Christ,
*BlessYou* Lani

*Cheer3* "May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace." (Romans 15:13 *Cheer3*
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Re: Zemi's journal - day 14 ....

Postby jenp » Tue Jul 19, 2011 9:27 pm


You are NOT letting anyone down. We all get that way and sometimes we just have to feel it and let it pass. Remember "This to shall pass". Also another saying that i use is "Whatever doesnt kill you will only make you stronger". God Bless.
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