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PostPosted: Wed Mar 17, 2010 12:35 pm
by Lionhearted
AHHHHHHH my brenners!! *hug*

If you want that "traditional" kind of guy, become a "traditional" kind of girl.
Whoever said a relationship is 50/50 was a fool. A relationship is a partnership - each brings something to the table (ideas, opinions, likes, dislikes etc..) IT'S 100/100 folks! And beyond that there are roles that fall to typically female or typically male...embrace them. It doesn't make you a doormat or a slave to let your man be the "head of the house". Someone has to be in charge and make a final decision and that is his God-given role.

*at this point *Lion* stands up to applaud for brenners* lol

it just struck me ... the whole relationship saying that is "50/50" ... isn't it interesting that, that is the present divorce rate statistic ... hmmm. i too believe that it is not 50/50, but rather 100/100 ... but going a bit deeper; wouldn't it be better to look at it as 100% of whatever my commitment is, meaning ... i'll take care of my 100% with God, and let my husband/wife take care of their 100% with God ... instead of me worrying about their 100%

Do you set up the coffee to be ready for him in the morning? Fix a lunch?

now THIS is a servant's heart ... which is the heart that Jesus both demonstrated and called for us to be.

keep up the good work brenners *hug*


PostPosted: Wed Mar 17, 2010 4:33 pm
by Dora
Way to go Bren! :)