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Postby MamaKitty87 » Thu Nov 14, 2013 11:18 am

Hey y'all!

I'm just curious... what advice would you give newlyweds that you wish you would've gotten when you first got married?

i.e. (for the wife) Sometimes the first person who's going to end up in the hospital during your marriage isn't going to be you 9mo pregnant.

My husband was bitten by a flea and he ended up being diagnosed with Typhus when I took him to the ER at 3am
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Re: Advice?

Postby dema » Thu Nov 14, 2013 8:17 pm

The normal stuff.


Don't listen to your little monster inside that tells you that you shouldn't have to this, or that he shouldn't expect that. You love him - you can do the little stuff. Shaving your legs every time you bathe or shower is a small price for making him feel loved for example. DO the little things to make him feel loved. Spend an extra twenty minutes a day being mildly inconvenience doing things he likes.

And guys - do it because she asked once. Women HATE to have to ask. If she asks you the first week to take out the trash - take it out every week for the rest of your life without being asked.

If you feel loved - life's a whole lot better.
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Re: Advice?

Postby JulieAnn » Sat Nov 16, 2013 12:00 am

Hi Mamakitty,

I posted a reply to your question but it appears to have been delivered as a private message to you. (I'm still getting the hang of this) Please let me know if you did receive it, or not. Thanks!
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Re: Advice?

Postby Chihirolee » Wed Jan 22, 2014 1:20 pm

Friendship comes first.

like with what dema said, you will naturally grow to expect things of your spouse. And if they don't give you what you want, you'll become bitter and unhappy. Do you expect that much of you friends? You naturally shouldn't, so treat your spouse the same way. Alway keep them your best friend in your mind and heart.
Plus, consiously keeping them your best friend will help improve communication skills because you will respect them as your best friend, not a spouse who doesn't meet your demands/desires. And as anyone would naturally tell you, communication is key to healthy relationships.
*Wave* Good luck and God Bless
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