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Couple living together before marriage

Postby deulykarux » Thu Jun 28, 2012 1:35 pm

Hi everybody!

I have a question that has been heavy on my heart for a while now.

I was raised Christian but drifted away for a long time. I received Jesus 3 months ago and I'm learning all over again what it's like to be with Him!

My boyfriend and I have been living together for 2 years. We each have one son from previous relationships and our kids get along great! There were many reasons for moving in together including financial but having a whole family for our children was probably the most motivating factor.

I understand that living together is a sin. But what should be done in our case? As you can imagine, all of us are dependent on one another as we have become a family. Marriage is in the future but it's not something we talk about often.

Any advice will be appreciated! Thank you and God Bless! :)
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Re: Couple living together before marriage

Postby Mackenaw » Thu Jun 28, 2012 2:15 pm

Hello Deulykarux

God bless you this day and welcome to Christianity Oasis. I'm glad The Lord led you here.

There is a wonderful study, on this site that I think will open your spiritual eyes to some things regarding your relationship with your boyfriend -- here is the link: ... /Forum.htm

I look forward to seeing you around the site, and reading your posts as you get closer to The Lord.

God bless and keep you.
In Christ Jesus' love,
Sister Mack
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Re: Couple living together before marriage

Postby Ruthk34 » Fri Jun 29, 2012 6:26 am

I'm right there with you. I often refer to my fiance as my husband because thats how we feel in our hearts that we are already married even though it's not on paper yet. Our situation is a bit complex and I wont get in to the whole story but we have been living together for 15 yrs and have 2 children together. When we got together neither one of us was going to church though we were both saved. I didn't return to church until my first child was about 5 yrs old and I realised that she didn't know God yet. When that hit me it was a slap in my face and I started to go back to church. I am so glad I did. It has taken my fiance a lot longer to come around but he has. We both want to be married but we have a road block thats keeping us from finalizing it but we are getting close now to breaking down that block. The fact that we are not officialy wed bothers us both but we had chosen not to put our life on hold for a piece of paper. If we had we may have never had our kids which I would never regret. This goes against what most believe and I'm sure people have judged us for it. I read a study on this site that said that only God can truly unite 2 souls together in marriage it's not the piece of paper you get. "What God has brought together let no man take apart" I'm not sure I worded that right but you get the jist of it. After praying on it I feel that God blessed our union for if he had not we would have failed in our relationship a long time ago.

That being said I still long for the official wedding and only then I will feel that all is right. I do think it best to be married first but I think that is my fear of being judged by others because it does hurt to know that people are judging you for the way you are living. I certainly don't want my children to go through that so I'm trying to teach them not to do as I did to save them some of the grief that I have had and still have over this.

May God bless you, keep you and guide you
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