Praise's journal

This forum is a place where those who feel called by the Lord are able to post about any trials or victories they are going through as they serve the Lord by reaching and teaching His children. You can post and then lock your thread so no one can reply, if you so choose. Think of it as your own personal diary or journal that you choose to share with others who are called as to share ideas, experiences and tips as they too serve the Lord.

Postby praisetheking95 » Tue Jan 12, 2010 5:11 pm

loooove you too pinoody *hug5*

Hiya all :)

hmmm..I dont think I am even going to start talking about how I been feeling today...

I already written it all but for now im gunna keep exactly what I wrote between me and God.

Basically I been feeling that Im carry a load thats far too heavy for me... I been trying to manage to keep going and today it was like i just collapsed... I just broke down..

I realised that I haven't been asking for God's help through this

so i decided that me bottling everything up so much that I couldnt even talk to God about it ...wasn't healthy for me...

usually its times like this that I would totally just shut down... go into denial about it and sit just thinking about anything that didnt relate to it

But today I just got it all out there ...talked to God and sat for ages and wrote about everything I was feeling.......

and when I was sitting there.. eventually I started to feel lighter and lighter

I just hope that I feel better after I go back to school :)

Loooove you all


God's promises are like the stars; the darker the night the brighter they shine. ~David Nicholas
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Postby praisetheking95 » Thu Feb 18, 2010 7:47 pm

woooo.... its been weird reccently... had a lot going on.. so aint been on much.. but it feels amazing good to be home :D home sweet home :D

Had to make a decision reccently... one of the hardests I have had to make... but I did what I thought was right... and even though at the time I felt horrible... I know I did the right thing... :)

Made me realise that what God wants me for me and what I want for me.. are sometimes different...because when I think about what I want ...the bigger picture and the future doesn't come into it... but now i've realised that God wanted something different for me... at first I was upset and not sure if I could just follow him...but now I know he has my best interests at heart..and I just have to trust him regardless to my reservations..

Been missing everyone so much *hug5*

Loooove you all loads :D


God's promises are like the stars; the darker the night the brighter they shine. ~David Nicholas
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Postby praisetheking95 » Tue May 25, 2010 6:13 pm

i have actually written in here forever :(

and I'm actually on my way out...

so I thought I would just pop into my journal and say Hi


"Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths." Proverbs 3:5-6

God's promises are like the stars; the darker the night the brighter they shine. ~David Nicholas
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Postby praisetheking95 » Sun Jul 04, 2010 3:29 pm

I'm slacking again lol

Todayy I took part in a sponsered charity run :)

All over the UK runs take place for a charity called Cancer Research UK- A charity that aims to get a cure for cancer

8,000 woman and girls from round the city took part. Around 24 roads were shut and about £577,000 (or $876 693 approx) was raised :)

It was such an awesome morning... and it was very moving because on everyones backs there were back signs with names written on them of people who had died of cancer, were fighting it or had survived it..

The course was 5K or 3 miles... was tiering but sooo worth it :)

"Together we will beat cancer- Cancer Research UK"

looove y'all

God bless you *hug5*

God's promises are like the stars; the darker the night the brighter they shine. ~David Nicholas
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Postby praisetheking95 » Fri Aug 20, 2010 6:12 pm

My thought of the day:

It says in the message version of psalm 139 "How I was sculpted from nothing into something."

How awesome is it that God can take nothing and turn it into something. He made us from nothing and he made us into something.

Think about intracate and amazing our bodies are. The average heart pumps 5 litres a minute. An adult has 206 bones. There are approximately 640 skeletal muscles in a typical human body. There is an estimated 100 billion neutrons in a human brain- think, there is around 6 billion people in the world, 100 billion is a HUGE number.

God took nothing and turned it into something. God had nothing and created our complex bodies from it. Even more amazing HE MADE EVERY SINGLE ONE UNIQUE!

Just shows how awesome and powerful God is!

God's promises are like the stars; the darker the night the brighter they shine. ~David Nicholas
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Re: Praise's journal

Postby praisetheking95 » Sun Dec 25, 2011 5:00 pm

Ok lol I literally haven't written on here for over a year! :L

Soo soooo much has changed with me.

I'm now in my final year at secondary school and am preparing to be to sixth form and am 16 :O craaaazy!
This year has been pretty mental to be honest.

Worked on team at the summer conference I do every year- looked after a group of around 17 eight to nine year olds- two of which were autistic .. was such an amazing week and saw God working in all of them :D

Then a couple of months ago I was involved in a HUGE mission in my City.. 150 young people stayed at a local school and went out and did missions linking with 16 churches around the city. I personally was involved in doing sports ministry, a youth cafe, street evangelism and community projects. It was amazing!! I got to talk to people on the streets about God which was amazing :D people became Christians through it and it was awesome! :D

Since the mission I now attend 3 different but amazing churches :D... I still occasionally go to my local church which I've been going to since i was a baby. I go to a church a little while away that I now cycle to in the morning-- made lots of new friends there and really feel like part of their church family. And I go to a church in the city centre every Sunday evening-- which is a youth orientated church and I have learnt soooooo much there! It is awesome!!! :D

Despite these good bits, this year has been very very difficult for me. Firstly, I have been struggling with severe chronic back pain. Been struggling with this for over a year now-- had xrays, an MRI (found no answer- except a problem with my kidneys) and recently had a bone scan (waiting for the results). I am on strong painkillers but they still aren't making a huge difference and have to take a large amount of time off school due to pain and lack of sleep. (Not Fun)... I've now been referred to the pain clinic which means I will have to be reassessed by a number of consultants and will probably be given even stronger medication. I've been told that I might never get an answer of why I am in so much pain all the time, which has made it all harder to cope with-- as it feels like there will never be an end to it.

Added to this home and school has been a massive struggle. So bad that I got to the point where there was no where i was really happy, would feel like crying all the time and was under massive temptation to hurt myself. It has been hard. But God is helping me get through it and has put people in my life that are amaaaaaazing and are always there to help if i need them. Still getting over it now but am making steady progress which is good :D

Am anticipating what God is going to do next because I know he is going to do something amazing soon :D and I am sooo excited about that!!

God bless everyone *hug5*
God's promises are like the stars; the darker the night the brighter they shine. ~David Nicholas
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