Leaps's Journal

This forum is a place where those who feel called by the Lord are able to post about any trials or victories they are going through as they serve the Lord by reaching and teaching His children. You can post and then lock your thread so no one can reply, if you so choose. Think of it as your own personal diary or journal that you choose to share with others who are called as to share ideas, experiences and tips as they too serve the Lord.

Postby Leaps4Joy » Sun Jan 25, 2009 3:22 pm

January 25th, 2009

Worked yesterday from 3:00 - 11:30 last night
wow what a night rofl
It did go good I was called the runner for the
night rofl had to go make sure everyone had
5 corndogs at a time and if they had less then
it was my job to go get more and bring them
back to them..... It was pretty fun actually rofl
got lost in the collisum but I found my way back
rofl ... Im not sure how I got lost ... lol
We stayed up till about 3:00 this morning just playin
a game and talking and having a great time...
No one got up till 11:10 this morning rofl and my mom
was supposed to be there at noon rofl
We made it through a great breakfast and then my mom
was there rofl ...

today has gone great not much to be done that is for
sure lol
Workin on P & W song for this evening and looking forward
to Church this evening! *ohyeah*

I be back later to write more...

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Postby Leaps4Joy » Mon Jan 26, 2009 4:55 pm

January 26th, 2009

Well today was a very eventful day at school.
It was a new semester so that means new
classes. Although I didnt get lost getting new
teachers and new seats and what not was
enough for me.... I ended up getting
Speech, P.E, Piano, and drivers ED added
on to my schedule... which isnt bad...
Walked home from school today and wow is
it slick.....Were supposed to get 4-6 inches of snow
this evening... Lets see if we get that or not..... rofl
Seem to be getting hungrier then normal here
in the last few days.... *run*
Well thats all for now! *run*
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Postby Leaps4Joy » Tue Jan 27, 2009 11:33 pm

January 27th, 2009

Nothing to exciting today. I did get pretty upset
at school today, they decided to take Piano out
of my schedule and now I have Presentation and
Document design class..... Just another computer
class lol I do love computers.... lol
They told me to add Piano for 1st semester next year.
We're supposed to get 2-4 inches of snow here
this evening so thats what there saying...
But we will wait and see. if we do get that then we
will not have school tomorrow.
Had PE for the first time this year and we ended up
playing lacross rofl
weird game that is for sure but its cool.
Walked home again today from school, still slick
did fall and bruise my knee but hey it was a nice
fall rofl
It was like a fall on one knee and slide back up rofl
Other then that its been a great day.
Not been following eating pattern like I should be,
got to get back on that.... refused to eat dinner this
evening because the smell just makes me want to get
sick but my parents did bring me something home....

not much to write about today...

Write more tomorrow...

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Postby Leaps4Joy » Wed Jan 28, 2009 7:56 pm

January 28th, 2009

Hmmmmm not much today. Went to school like anyother
school day.. lol We did get 2 inches of snow last night, its
up to my lower shin... Got about 4-5 inches now.
Did my 2nd speech in speech class today, wow was that
a lil stressful, I just prayed that he would give me the
words to say when I got up there. A 30 min. speech seems
forever long when u are standing in front of the class lookin
at you... lol
I got through it, my last speech sht told me I needed to talk
louder hopefully I did talk louder today lol
PE, wow I never knew how much out of shape I was until then.
Im walkin with a limp right now because my mussles arent
used to the work we are doing in PE.....
My parents think it is quit funny, because I cant stand up right
away, it takes me a min. lol
Will be over it in about a week or so Im sure though, just need
to get back in the fitness thing lol
Made it to document design class today, was in there for about
10-15 min. she callled on me to read and then said wait, she said
_________ u need to go see the nurse, they want u down there.
I had no idea what was going on lol
So I got down there she said your __________ right? I said yes
she said oh ok, well A few of your teachers think ya need ya
hearing and vision tested. I was like O.o
I knew about the vision thing, im getting glasses soon.
But the hearing thing was news to me. I always thought I heard
fine. Now ever so often I have issues but nothin major.
Well I took both tests, I did tell her I was getting glasses after the
vision test, she said yeah that would be a good idea.. lol
Im not sure how the hearing test went, my parents will get a letter
in the mail about it and I will find out then.
Lunch time came around and I forgot to do my Biology homework.
So I ate lunch and did my homework.. lol
After lunch went to drivers ED nothing new there took a test but thats
it. Easy as pie lol
not much after that had Biology and Algebra.... learned some new
stuff in Algebra.
Walked home from school today again. I love walking but today
was a day that I didnt want to walk lol
Walked home in the new snow was it ever so pretty though.
My mom seen that I was sore and told me that if I washed 3 pans
that were needed for dinner then I wouldnt have to clean my room.
She def. got herself a deal rofl
After that iv been sitting in one spot, getting up moving up some.
Been a great day in chat today.... . *AngelYellow*
Thats all for now.....

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Postby Leaps4Joy » Tue Feb 03, 2009 8:01 pm

Febuary 3rd, 2009

Wow its been a week since Iv got to write here... lol
Well as most of you know, I did go to KY to visit tres
and family, as well as take them things that were needed.
On our way there my dad and I had a great time together.
We first went to IN and got to meet hflo :) Nothing like
I thought rofl Still as nice as I thought :)
After that we headed for tres's and family.
We made it there oh about 5-6 in the evening, leaving
my house at 9 am, and adding about 2 1/2 hours to it,
it was a good trip. Like I had said my dad and I had a
great time together. Havent talked to my dad that much
in a fairly long time. Everything was ok till we hit central IN,
snow starting drifting big time. We hit KY and there were trees
down everywhere. Once we hit the county they live in wow is
all I can say. It was terrible, trees down eveywhere, power and
phone lines down everywhere. A tree landed on a building power
was out till that afternoon. 95 % of the town was out of power.
We stayed there over night, and got up at 7 left by 7:30
we couldnt leave any sooner, because they had a curfew.... lol
On our way back home, my dad and I had a good time again
talked about several things.... We got back about 1:15 that afternoon.
It was so nice here rofl

Went back to school yesterday after a long weekend, havent done
much. I did get MVP in lacross yesterday rofl
Today was an early outing... 11:05 easy day at school that is for
sure rofl
Didnt do much after that... eating a lot more then I have been..
ate lunch 2 times today rofl

GBU all
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Postby Leaps4Joy » Wed Feb 04, 2009 11:33 pm

January 4th, 2009

I call a day like today a blah day...
so many things going on today.
Make life really stressful that is for sure.
School grades arent good thats for sure.
Kids at school think it would be cool to
call names. This here wouldnt usually
effect me but today just wasnt a good
Having a friend who wont talk to me
doesnt help either.

Tomorrow is a new day, and I pray its
better then today.
Didnt do much today... just sat around
not wanting to do much.

GBU all
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Postby Leaps4Joy » Sat Feb 07, 2009 1:55 pm

Febuary 7th , 2009

Where has the week gone too?
What a fast week it has been!
It was a somewhat stressful week..
But ya know?
Things all came to work out in the end...
Things are still a lil stressful but ya know
That cant stop me from doing what he wants me
to do. And being down and not wanting to do
anything isnt what he wants...
School is starting to get better.... School grades slowly
going up..... which is good.
Have a birthday party to go to today.. and working on
songs for sunday's P & W.... *ohyeah*
I be back later to write more....

*run* off to birthday party
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Postby Leaps4Joy » Sat Feb 07, 2009 11:46 pm

Feb. 7th, 2009

Today started out not so good...
I couldnt sleep this morning.. so I got up
and started cleaning my room... was I ever so
I found 2 of my angels broken and no one wanting
to admit to it...
Found so many thing where they werent supposed to be.
And found several of my poetry books ruined! ohhhh even
more mad!
3:30 am rolled around my room was clean, but no way
was I gonna get to sleep.... wrote somemore poems...
finally got tired about 4:30...
Woke up at 9:45 am and it seemed like it was gonna be
one of those days..

After slowly wakeing up things looked great...
It was def. a great day......
Went to bday party..

came home talked to a close friend...
practiced for P and W...

Chat seems to be calming down some..

noticed a lot of mods in there lately lol

Love ya all!
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Postby Leaps4Joy » Wed Feb 11, 2009 8:33 pm

Feb. 11th, 2009

Today started off slow... Im usually up and
ready by 7:00 am cnt. time... Not today.
I woke up at 6:30 and I did NOT wanna move.
I got up slowely and took my shower, got stuff
ready, looked at the clock 5 till 7.
I still had to eat, and make my lunch for school.
Hurry up and made Oatmeal and made my lunch at
the sametime...
7:05 finally done.... Came into chat to get the verse
from Kim and to spend some time with my Oasis family
that is up and running at that time..

Things looked good... I went to school and took a test or
quiz in ever class it seemed. By 4th hour I was so tired and
the day just seemed to drag on... I pulled out the verse that
Kim had given earlier in the morning...... Read it though


BAM things went great!

I mean, I took all my quizes and test's after that and ended up
getting all of my grades up. No more D's *ohyeah* or F's for that
matter *ohyeah*

Some family members have been on my mind lately....
Wondering how things are gonna go... and what not...
Things changed this morning....
I came to realize that no matter what is going on it is all
in his hands, and I just need to let it go.. So indeed I did...

Not into eating much here lately... im not sure why...
I eat when I have to and thats about it...

He is so amazing! *ohyeah*
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Postby Leaps4Joy » Thu Feb 12, 2009 10:39 pm

Febuary 12, 2009

No school today! :D
Didnt wake up till 1:00 this afternoon rofl
wasnt on that late really either...
Went to the eye doctor today as well...
sheesh eye lady just as bad as anyone else
I get chewed out by everyone rofl
The lady told me no goffing off, no not wearing
my glasses, no breaking them.... Wear them ALL
the time.
She said u know that sayin Blind as a Bat? I said
yeah, she goes well they can see better then u..
sheesh so mean rofl
I did fake out the test that they took on my eyes....
some how I made it where my eyes are better then
they really are...
I have a stronger perscription then most older people
rofl .....

Dad called the dentist today....I gotta go in on monday...
she thinks that there is something worse then what they
thing because I have a blister on my gums and it
has been there for about 6 months, if ya pop it... it only
comes back......
*Pray* nothing is wrong.....

Other then the eye doctor and dad calling the dentist..
all seemed great today...

Gotta go back to school tomorrow...
We get flowers tomorrow rofl for valentines day... lol
Never been to a school that does this so it should be interresting rofl

Well thats all for now;.....

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Postby Leaps4Joy » Sat Feb 14, 2009 11:19 pm

Febuary 14th, 2009

Today was Valentine's day rofl
We went to my aunts today for fried
chicken and a nice time with everyone.
First time Igot to hold my cousin without him
throwing a fit... He wanted to come to me! :D
Today was the first time that I have gotten to
drive on the highway. It wasnt as bad as I thought
it would be....
But then again it was dark outside and saturday night rofl
Went driving with my uncle for about 2 hours or so....
it was nice...
Got a birthday party to go to tomorrow... should be nice.
Not much going on...

Be back tomorrow to write more...
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Postby Leaps4Joy » Fri Feb 20, 2009 6:30 pm

Febuary 20, 2009

Wow this week went by fast...
Not much happening this week...
Ready for tomorrow! *run*
Get to meet a fellow Mod. tomorrow :D

Lets see here my week...

Monday: Went to school half day, got my first detention.
Mom got into it with the lady's in the office.....

Tuesday: Went and got a root canel done, a crown put on,
and sealance/caps on 5 teeth. Didnt go to school to much pain.

Went back to school.... Not in too much pain but enough
to make a difference....

Stayed after school to take a test... Pain much more then yesterday's.
Also got infected.

mouth is swallowen today and very sore... Not much I can do...
besides ask that the pain be relieved... indeed it has been some..
Waiting for glasses to come in... dont think they are coming in today.
Hopefully tomorrow....
really quiet here this evening.... No siblngs are home, just mom
and I...

Tomorrow I get to meet susidivah! *run*
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