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My 3 Poem Ideas for "The Best Poets and Poems of 2011"

PostPosted: Sun Feb 19, 2012 4:53 pm
by KelseyLong
Here is the first idea! Please vote on which one you think I should send and please leave ideas! I want this poem to be perfect since it will be in the libarary of congress!
Here I was
Floating in the wind
Not exactly hovering
Because I had no weight
A simple red leaf
Floating in autumn’s wind
Going with the breeze

I knew I was either dead or dying
But truthfully
I could not care less
It was a happy feeling
Perhaps even joyous
I was slipping away
I accepted the fact
(Not finished)
Here is the second idea
In your eyes of green
I can see a forest
With a swirl of mist
And a trail of dreams

In your eyes of blue
I can see an ocean
Blinking puts the waves in motion
I see the ocean of love grew

In your eyes of brown
I can see a gentle doe
With her peace dancing to and fro
When I look around

In your eyes of red
I can see a burning fire
The same image of a liar
An evil pure bred

I look into His eyes
I see a reflection of
Not what I am right now
But what I will become
Finally, here is the last one.
Someone once asked me,
"How can you believe in something you can't see, touch, hear, taste, or smell?"
I had no words at the time
But now, I say,
"I feel Him in my heart and I feel Him in life.
I see Him in the beauty of earth and space.
I hear Him in the songs the wind sings.
I taste Him in the air I breathe.
I smell Him in the petals of a rose."

Someone once told me,
“You God does exist, he is your personal delusion.”
I protested weakly at the moment
But now I tell her,
“God is alive and well!
He is glorious and merciful!
If He is a delusion,
Over one million people feel the same way!"