Hosted by Cimi ... In this forum, our friend Cimi shares with us some awesome messages of love and faith intended to be shared with all Christians.


Postby cimi » Wed Feb 11, 2009 3:10 pm

February 11


Psalm 131

Humble yourselves in
the sight of the Lord,
and He will lift you up.
James 4:10

My friend declared, as he tried to keep a straight face, I'm so proud of my humility! That reminds me of the joke about a leader who was given an award for his humility. Because he accepted the award, it was taken back the following week! David seemed to be making the same error when he said, My heart is not haughty (Ps. 131:1). When we understand the text, however, we know that he wasn't boasting about his humility. Rather, in response to the accusation of treason made by Saul's men, David stated he didn't consider himself so important nor think of himself so highly as to have lofty eyes.

Instead, David learned to be like a weaned child in the Lord's arms (v.2). Like a baby who is completely dependent on his parents, he waited on God for His protection while he was a fugitive under King Saul's pursuit. In his darkest hour, David realized his need and then advised his people: Hope in the LORD from this time forth and forever (v.3).

The path to humility is twofold. It involves knowing who we are having a proper self-esteem rather than thinking too highly of self. But most important, it requires knowing who God is holding Him in highest esteem and trusting Him for His best in His time. Albert Lee

Humility's a slippery prize
That seldom can be won;
We're only humble in God's eyes
When serving like His Son. Gustafson

When we think we're humble we're not.

Today's Bible Reading Psalm 131

1 LORD, my heart is not
haughty, nor my eyes lofty.
Neither do I concern myself
with great matters, nor with
things too profound for me.

2 Surely I have calmed and
quieted my soul, like a
weaned child with his
mother; like a weaned child
is my soul within me.

3 O Israel, hope in the
LORD from this time forth
and forever.


God desires that His people be humble. As Micah 6:8 affirms: What
does the LORD require of you but to do justly, to love mercy, and to
walk humbly with your God. Of this verse the great 18th-century
preacher Charles Haddon Spurgeon said: Only through faith in
Christ does a man learn to do righteously, and to love mercy, and to
walk humbly with God. This the Holy Spirit daily aids us to do
by working in us to will and to do of God's good pleasure; and the
day will come, and we are pining for it, when, being entirely free
from this hampering body, we shall serve Him day and night in His
temple, and shall render to Him an absolutely perfect obedience.
Dennis Fisher
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