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Postby cimi » Sun Feb 03, 2008 5:32 pm

February 3


Psalm 12

I will set him in the
safety for which he
yearns. __Psalm 12z;5

King David looked out at the world and was troubled. he didn't need the Internet to paint a bleak picture of society or The New York Times to remind him of crime and suffering. Even without a cable news show to give him all the bad news, he saw the evil.

He looked around and saw that "the godly man ceases." He noticed that "the faithful disappear." In his world, everyone spoke "idly" to his neighbor "with flattering lips and a double heart" (Ps. 12;1-2).

This description may sound like the theme of a TV show, but it was life, circa 1,000 BC. While we may view society's evils as much worse than anything before. David reminds us that evil is not a 21st-century innovation.

But David's words also give us hope. Notice his reaction to the bad news he bore. In verse 1, he turned to God and cried, "Help!" Then he implored God with specific needs. The response he got was positive. God promised that because He rules righteously, He would provide protection and safety (vv.5-7).

When you are discouraged by all the bad news, cry out for God's help. Then bask in the confidence of His assurance. Three thousand years after David, God is still, and always will be, in control. __Dave Branon

~~~~~~~~~~~~When through life's darkened maze I go~~~~~~~~~
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~And troubles overwhelm my soul,~~~~~~~~~~~
~~~~~~~~~~~~Oh, grant me, Lord, the faith to know~~~~~~~~~~~
~~~~~~~~~~~That You are always in control. __ D. De Haan~~~~~~~

We have nothing to fear, because God is in control.

*****************Today's Bible Reading __ Psalm 12***************

1 Help, LORD, for the
godly man ceases! For the
faithful disappear from
among the sons of men.

2 They speak idly everyone
with his neighbor; with
flattering lips and a double
heart they speak.

3 May the LORD cut off all
flattering lips, and the
tongue that speaks proud
things, 4 who have said,
"With our tongue we will
prevail; our lips are our
own; who is lord over us?"

5 "For the oppression of
the poor, for the sighing of
the needy, now I will arise."
says the LORD; "I will set
him in the safety for which
he yearns."

6 The words of the LORD
are pure words, like silver
tried in a furnace of earth,
purified seven times. 7 You
shall keep them, O LORD,
You shall preserve them
from this generation

8 The wicked prowl on
every side, when vileness is
exalted among the sons of


Commentators disagree as to the genre in which to place Psalm
12. Some see it as a song of lament because it obviously grieves
the dangers facing the one who walks with God. Others, however,
place it as an imprecatory psalm (a calling for judgment upon
one's enemies) because of the strong statements of verses 3 and
4. In either case, it is a psalm for the one suffering at the hands of
others__and suffering for the sake of righteousness. __WEC
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