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Postby cimi » Tue Jan 13, 2015 10:44 pm

January 13


Psalm 77:1-15
I cried out to God....
Who is so great a God
as our God?
__Psalm 77:1,13

I don't know what desperate situation gripped Asaph, the writer of Psalm 77, but I've heard, and made, similar laments. Over the past dozen years since I lost my daughter, many others who have experienced the loss of a loved one have shared with me heartbreaking sentiments like these:

Crying out to God (v.1). Stretching empty arms heavenward (v.2). Experiencing troubling thoughts about God because of horrible circumstances (v.3). Enduring unspeakable trouble (v.4). Cowering under the feeling of being cast aside (v.7). Fearing failed promises (v.8). Fearing a lack of mercy (v.8).

But a turnaround occurs for Asaph in verse 10 through a recollection of God's great works. Thoughts turn to God's love. To memories of what He has done. To His marvelous deed of old. To the comfort of God's faithfulness and mercy. To reminders of God's wonders and greatness. To his strength and redemption.

Despair is real in this life, and answers do not come easily. Yet in the darkness__as we remember God's glory, majesty, power, and love__our despair can slowly subside. Like Asaph, we can rehearse God's acts, especially the salvation He brought through Jesus, and we can return to where we once were__resting gratefully in His mighty love. __Dave branon

`````````````Lord, we cannot fathom the depth of Your character or``````````````
````````````the wisdom of Your actions when trouble visits us. Help us````````````
`````````````to inch our way back into Your arms through a rehearsal`````````````
```````````of Your goodness and a recollection of Your glorious love.``````````````
Remembering the past can bring hope to the present.

******************Today's Bible Reading __ Psalm 77:1-15********************
1 I cried out to God with my
voice__to God with my
voice; and he gave ear to
me. 2 In the day of my
trouble I sought the Lord; my
hand was stretched out in the
night without ceasing; my
soul refused to be comforted.

3 I remembered God, and
was troubled; I complained,
and my spirit was

4 You hold my eyelids open;
I am so troubled that I cannot
speak. 5 I have considered the
days of old, the years of
ancient times. 6 I call to
remembrance my song in the
night; I meditate within my
heart, and my spirit makes
diligent search.

7 Will the Lord cast off
forever? and will He be
favorable no more? 8 Has His
mercy ceased forever? Has
his promise failed
forevermore? 9 Has God
forgotten to be gracious? Has
he in anger shut up His
tender mercies?

10 And I said, "This is my
anguish; but I will remember
the years of the right hand of
the Most High." 11 I will
remember the works of the
LORD; surely I will
remember Your wonders of
old. 12 I will also meditate on
all Your work, and talk of
Your deeds. 13 Your way,
O God, is in the sanctuary;
who is so great a God as our
God? 14 Your are the God who
does wonders; You have
declared Your strength
among the peoples. 15 You
have with Your arm
redeemed Your people, the
sons of Jacob and Joseph.


King David enlisted three Levitical choirs and orchestras for the
temple worship, led by Asaph, Jeduthun (or Ethan), and Herman
(1 Chron. 16:37-41); 25:1-6; 2 Chron. 5:12). Psalm 77 was written by
Asaph for Jeduthun. Asaph also composed Psalms 50 and 73-83.
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