Monster on the Cross?.....

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Monster on the Cross?.....

Postby M1 » Sat Mar 03, 2012 10:54 pm

Monster on the cross!

I was six and could read very well. I was in my adoptive's mother Christian book store and I always saw her hiding tracts in bathrooms and malls telephone booths before they had cell phones, and on tables in eating places any place you can think of she planted seeds like they were roses or a field of wheat or something. I couldn't help myself but want to read them. Some of them pulled tears out of me I couldn't believe the pictures printed in them and it felt like someone ripped my lungs out. I was only six and it got to me truly.

Well there was this one tract I cannot remember the name of it but I remember the picture in it. I got scared from what I was looking at in that tract. There that thing was, all swollen, ripped up, skin and blood and body parts hanging out, I was like ewwww this looks like a nightmare on a page in print. Who on earth would print such garbage.... It looked like a freak that would eat anything if it lifted its head. Like a monster and it was haging on a cross thingy. Oh ewwww what a gross creature who or what is that? I yelled at my mom, HEY WHY U SELL THIS STUFF? Who is that? She looked up and said, Oh that is Jesus and he looks that way because he took on our sin and took on our monster form so we didn't look like that later when we die but look like God so we could be holy and blameless. When she said that I about fell to tears. I wanted to say sorry. I wanted to scream out but I didn't. I stood still. That monster on that cross, it could have been me, then I wanted it to be me I was guilty and I wanted to trade places.... I thought about it and thought about it, all I could do in the end was say oh man thank you God.
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Re: Monster on the Cross?.....

Postby logi bear » Sun Mar 04, 2012 8:17 pm

aww touching! Whenever i watch the passion of the cross i cry and flinch i cannot even force myself to watch how my Savior was tortured. :(
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logi bear
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