Hosted by Cimi ... In this forum, our friend Cimi shares with us some awesome messages of love and faith intended to be shared with all Christians.


Postby cimi » Mon Aug 09, 2010 2:51 pm

August 4


Psalm 63

O GOD, You are my
God; early will I seek
You; my soul thirsts for
You; my flesh longs for
You in a dry and thirsty
land where there is no
water. __Psalm 63:1

I still find it amazing that we can launch probes into deep space. But think of how wasteful it would be if on the way to Mars our probe got caught in the gravitational pull of a lesser, insignificant object. Beware! That might be happening in our lives.

When Jesus called His disciples to follow Him, He meant for them to begin a journey to passionately pursue Him. Followers of Christ have been launched into a trajectory that is defined by drawing closer and closer to Him. But in the process, we are often distracted and succumb to the gravitational pull of lesser, alluring things. When that happens, we cease our pursuit of Him and go into orbit around stuff that in the end is empty and unsatisfying.

Psalm 63 is the cure for lives stuck in orbit. David pursued God, knowing that He alone could satisfy his inner longings because His "lovingkindness is better than life" (v.3). The joy of God's presence consumed every moment: "When I remember You on my bed, I meditate on you in the night watches" (v.6). David understood that true joy and purpose come not in admiring God from a safe distance, but from chasing hard after Him.

Let's get back on track and pursue an increasingly closer walk with God!
__Joe Stowell

`````````````````````To walk in fellowship with Christ``````````````
``````````````````And sense His love so deep and true`````````````
````````````````````Brings to the soul its highest joy```````````````
````````````````As nothing in this world can do. __D. De Haan```````

The closer you walk with God,
the less room for anything to come between

************Today's Bible Reading __ Psalm 63*******************

A Psalm of David when he
was in the wilderness of

3 O God, You are my God;
early will I seek You; my
soul thirsts for You; my
flesh longs for You in a dry
and thirsty land where there
is no water. 2 So I have
looked for You in the
sanctuary, to see Your
power and Your glory.

3 Because Your
lovingkindness is better
than life, my lips shall
praise You. 4 Thus I will
bless You while I live; I
will lift up my hands in
Your name. 5 My soul
shall be satisfied as with
marrrow and fatness, and
my mouth shall praise
You with joyful lips.

6 When I remember You
on my bed, I meditate on
You in the night watches.

7 Because You have been
my help, therefore in the
shadow of your wings I will
rejoice. 8 My soul follows
close behind You; Your right
hand upholds me.

9 But those who seek my
life, to destroy it, shall go
into the lower parts of the
earth. 10 they shall fall by
the sword; they shall be a
portion for jackals.

11 But the king shall
rejoice in God; everyone
who swears by Him shall
glory; but the mouth of
those who speak lies shall
be stopped.


The superscription for Psalm 63 tells us that it was written by David
when he was "in the wilderness of Judah." The circumstances for
this flight into the desert are unstated, but it likely was a response
either to King Saul's persecution of him, or his son Absalom's
rebellion against his rule. __BILL CROWDER
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Postby lizzie » Mon Aug 09, 2010 4:53 pm

Followers of Christ have been launched into a trajectory that is defined by drawing closer and closer to Him. But in the process, we are often distracted and succumb to the gravitational pull of lesser, alluring things. When that happens, we cease our pursuit of Him and go into orbit around stuff that in the end is empty and unsatisfying.

So true.

Thanks for sharing Cimi *hug* love to you girl
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