The situation in Syria

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Re: The situation in Syria

Postby TrueAndMagneticNorth » Sat Jun 18, 2016 7:50 pm

Hi All,

There's apparently not much new going on in Syria from a military point of view. The 'Islamic State' seems to be under pressure on several fronts, which could only be a good thing.

The latest little item I want to share is probably not overly significant, but it's a sobering reminder that very, very dangerous people have significant influence in institutions such as the US State Department (and, to be fair, its equivalent in many other similar countries).

There is no doubt that there are significant psychotic criminal elements within the State Department. There is abundant evidence of a great deal of sinister activity that can be traced back to the State Department; activity that takes numerous forms.

The latest news is that dozens of State Department individuals, 'diplomats' as the establishment media refers to them, have 'broken ranks' with the current approach of the Obama administration toward Syria. In short, they are angry that Obama hasn't launched a direct, military attack against the Assad government in Damascus. It's the same old story; this filth in the State Department, which is already responsible for so much of the hell that has been unleashed across the MIddle-East, now wants to ramp up the misery and suffering it has helped unleash.

In short, this scum in the State Department, when you get to the core of the matter, wants Obama to risk WWIII (Russia, as you know, is a major supporter of Assad and is fighting on his behalf). They also want the US Air Force to become the Air Force of al-queda and other similar jihadists in Syria. Also, besides the Kurds, Assad's forces are the ones doing the most fighting against the Islamic State. These State Department people want to take out one of the Islamic State's top-two enemies

Naturally, evil regimes like those in Saudi Arabia and Turkey are all with these American State Department criminals and their demand for Obama to bring down Assad.

To be sure, there is no doubt that there would be some reasonable people in the State Department and therefore not everyone should be tarred with the same brush. But these human vermin who really want to take out Assad are so dangerous, so incredibly criminal and psychotic, that it is easy to see how so much horror has already been spread around the world by the State Department (among others).

Link to a relevant article is below: ... itary.html

UPDATE: For some really in-depth analysis of what is discussed in this post, read the article linked below: ... my/5531665
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Re: The situation in Syria

Postby TrueAndMagneticNorth » Thu Jun 23, 2016 5:59 am

This is an interesting little article about the persecution of Syrian Christians. It makes links between the Turkish genocide against Armenian Christians during the WWI era, and the genocidal persecution of Christians by Turkish-backed Syrian 'rebels' during the current civil war in Syria.

The author is Robert Fisk. Link is below: ... 93501.html
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Re: The situation in Syria

Postby TrueAndMagneticNorth » Sat Jun 25, 2016 6:34 pm

Hello All,

I have come across a really fantastic, insightful article about the the Syrian Civil War, and how it largely resulted from the horrific meddling of the criminal political/media establishment based in Washington.

It's a long article. So, if you have the time, maybe get a cup of coffee or something. It deals openly with the fact that the turmoil in Syria (and other countries in the neighbourhood) was largely initiated by America and its allies (hey, nothing new here, as any thinking person would've figured this out long ago).

It also deals with the fact that the US and allies do not want Assad's forces to have success against the 'Islamic State'. In fact, what they want is quite the opposite. The article also mentions how dubious accusations are made to demonise Assad, while real, genuine ongoing horror shows are deliberately ignored by Washington when the culprits are US allies like Saudi Arabia and Turkey.

The article covers the recent State Department memo (mentioned above) and the sinister motivations behind it.

This is a great article. If you've got the time, have a read. Link is below: ... _on_assad/
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Re: The situation in Syria

Postby mlg » Sat Jun 25, 2016 10:33 pm

Hi TrueandMagneticNorth. Just stopping in to say God Bless you. Thanks for keeping us up to date on something that obviously was a place that Jesus once walked.

Take care
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Re: The situation in Syria

Postby TrueAndMagneticNorth » Sun Jun 26, 2016 6:11 am

Hi mlg,

Thanks for the message. It's appreciated. God bless you, too. The updates will keep coming as long as the horror continues in Syria. Hopefully, however, that will not be indefinite.

All the best.
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Re: The situation in Syria

Postby TrueAndMagneticNorth » Wed Jul 20, 2016 10:11 pm

Hi All,

There's obviously been a lot happening lately, namely the failed coup in Turkey which had led the despot Erdogan and his criminal regime to undertake a massive purge of innocent people from state institutions. The numbers arrested, sacked, etc, number in the tens of thousands, and it appears that Turkey, under the Erdogan regime, is poised to become more and more Islamic and totalitarian.

Now for another little item. Footage and images have appeared online of 'fighters' from a US-backed Syrian 'moderate' rebel group sawing off the head of a child with a small knife. This was not the work of 'Islamic State' or 'al-nusra front', but another 'moderate' group.

Of course, the standard reply from scum like that, and anyone who sympathises with them, is to say, 'But Assad is much worse!!'

Link to an article about this is below: ... worse.html
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Re: The situation in Syria

Postby TrueAndMagneticNorth » Sat Jul 30, 2016 6:15 pm

Greetings everyone,

This is a little note on the danger that a Hillary Clinton presidency would present to the world. This is not a political post, as I'm not particularly fond of the other guy, either, yet it would be hard to find a more disgusting, immoral creature than Hillary Clinton.

The reasons are too myriad to outline here, and I'm sure that most readers are well aware of a lot of her scandals. Most recently, she vigorously defended 'Planned Parenthood' after it was revealed that the organisation is heavily involved in organ trafficking. In fact, in the days after the expose, she called for the organisation to receive increased funding and had nothing to say about its organ trafficking of terminated foetuses (in line with the mainstream media approach).

Now, though, to international matters. She was an ardent supporter of the Iraq war, was a major driving force behind the destruction of Libya, downfall of its secular, Christian-tolerating government, and the brutal murder of Ghaddafi (going on TV afterward and cheerily saying, "We came, we saw, he died!!' and then cackling like the witch she is).

Clinton was also a major supporter of the push to arm the Syrian rebels right at the start of the conflict (the murky Beghazi scandal is somehow tied in with this). Now, she is saying that, if elected president, she will make ousting Assad (in support of the extremist, jihadist rebels that she seems to love so much) a top priority for her new regime.

Of course, minor factors like Russia and its commitment in the conflict apparently aren't even worth worrying about. After all, why worry about the possibility of World War III?

For those of us who are cynical about politicians in general, Clinton has nonetheless stood out long-term for her shameless, maniacal, narcissistic and cold-blooded nature. And it doesn't help the situation at all when we have an establishment, mainstream media that is intent on incessantly flinging mud at her main political rival, while giving her a pass mark on all of her own crimes. Our mainstream media is filthy and corrupt to the core just like Clinton.

A relevant article is linked below: ... 63831.html
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Re: The situation in Syria

Postby TrueAndMagneticNorth » Fri Aug 05, 2016 3:53 am

Hello All,

Here is the link to the latest Robert Fisk article on the broader situation in Syria. As usual, it is very balanced and fair, cutting through the toxic propaganda of the western government-media complex. Link is below: ... 71466.html
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Re: The situation in Syria

Postby TrueAndMagneticNorth » Fri Aug 26, 2016 6:35 pm

Greetings everybody,

The last few weeks have seen yet more significant developments in Syria. Syrian government forces had finally managed to place the city of Aleppo under siege, before a massive jihadist-rebel counter-offensive apparently broke the siege and put the battle for Syria's largest city back into deadlock.

Perhaps the most surprising development has been the behaviour of the Turkish dictator Erdogan following the failed coup attempt against his regime. He has found strange sympathisers in Russia and Iran, who previously were very much rivals, if not enemies of the Turkish regime: in fact, very much enemies in the case of who they are backing in Syria.

Yet there have been high level meetings between these three governments in recent weeks, and apparent deals and agreements. No, they don't appear to be suddenly 'friends', but they seem to have taken significant steps in the direction of being something akin to current 'allies'.

I don't believe Turkey will halt their support for the radical, jihadist Syrian 'rebels', nor will Russia and Iran halt their support for the Syrian government. In fact, one could only speculate what this new, partial understanding between these three countries could mean.

One thing that is clear is that it will probably not be a positive development for the Kurds, who have been very effective at fighting Islamic State and other bands of jihadist rebels in Syria. As for what else it could mean at this point, it's too early to tell.

Below is an article from Patrick Cockburn of The Independent; a consistently good writer from the same newspaper as Robert Fisk. It details recent Turkish activity along the border region with Syria: ... 11941.html

On another issue, below is a link to an article about another development, this one much closer to Damascus: ... story.html

Enjoy your weekend.
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Re: The situation in Syria

Postby TrueAndMagneticNorth » Sat Sep 03, 2016 5:50 pm

Here is an interesting little article about the current Russian-Turkish partial thaw in relations and what it means for Syria. It covers the current Turkish invasion/incursion into northern Syria (mainly to attack the Kurds, and apparently done with Russia's permission) and what Russia is expecting in return from the Erdogan regime of Ankara.

The article also delves into the history of Turkish-Syrian relations, particularly following the collapse of the Ottoman Empire. Interestingly, the article states that Putin is trying to orchestrate some kind of negotiated truce deal to come into effect before Obama leaves office.

The reason for this is quite clear: Obama, as undesirable as he has been in his capacity as president, is not the dangerously unstable, murderous, pathological psychotic that Hilary Clinton clearly is. This woman, if she is 'elected', is a very clear threat in terms of starting a third world war, especially since the mainstream media is worse than useless, more than corrupt and will back her to the hilt without question, no matter what the issue.

Perhaps Putin, who must know what a monster she and her fellow travellers are, is trying to get some sort of partial resolution happening in Syria to reduce the chance of Hilary and the mainstream media starting World War III over Syria if/when she is 'elected'. Time will tell. Link is below: ... -1.1890011
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Re: The situation in Syria

Postby Mackenaw » Tue Sep 06, 2016 12:40 am

Hello Trueandmagneticnorth,

God bless you this day.

I am not a politically motivated individual -- far from it.

Politics creep me out, but so do a lot of things guised as something else. Therefore, I am comforted that God will reveal anything hidden, so we need not fear. (Matthew 10:26-28)

I am an American. I live in the USA. I do not feel the need to defend Hilary Clinton, nor her opponent for President of The United States, aka Donald Trump. Politics aside, my opinions of them are just opinions that I will keep to myself.

I am a Christian. Thank You Jesus.

As a fellow Christian, I am curious. Is the point of your post (and link/"article") an attempt to sway the vote of Americans? To fulfill someone's, or some group's agenda?

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Re: The situation in Syria

Postby TrueAndMagneticNorth » Tue Sep 06, 2016 10:13 pm

Hi Mackenaw,

I had written a lengthy justification of this forum in response to your question, but decided it was not necessary, hence this edit.

You've taken a bit of an accusatory tone with your question, but it's perfectly understandable- in the virtual world much is fake, including the people within it. It makes sense to question who people really are in the online world.

Something has apparently gone a bit wrong when a years-long forum on the catastrophe in Syria might be reduced to the topic of American politics. Blame could lay with the giver of the message, or the recipient of the message, or both, or perhaps there is nothing to blame anyone for at all.

I could also ask you a counter-question; are you a government agent infiltrating websites pretending to be someone you're not in order to influence what is happening on a website? I highly doubt it, to be honest, but who really knows in this virtual world in which so much is fake? That aside, it is indeed a documented fact that thousands of agents undertake such roles and do such jobs online. Maybe I'm one, maybe you're one.

Hey, anyway, you can choose to believe it or not, your choice. I run a tiny forum on a small website. Pretty minor, modest stuff. If I was insane and delusional then maybe I would think I could influence an election.

I have spent many, many hundreds of hours researching Syria from independent sources, worrying about it endlessly, following developments with a keen, unwavering interest, informing myself as best I can about what's going on there, who is really to blame, how Christians and their allies are suffering. This forum is primarily about Syria, an ancient land with ancient peoples. It is not about America.

I find your question odd, just like you would probably find my counter-question odd. That said, you had every right to ask if you felt the need, given the nature of this anonymous, fake virtual world we operate in when online.

Is Hilary a monster? Yes. Was Bush a monster? Yes. Were the other Clinton and Bush also monsters? Yes. Obama? People can make up their own mind. Trump? Hasn't been in office, who could tell at this stage. These are my opinions based on a lot of research. It is indeed wise not to delve deeply into politics with strangers, but it is not forbidden to do so.

My mentioning of politicians has been largely within the context of their interference and trouble-making across the world and particularly in the Middle-East. There may have been times when my references to them were out of context, but no-one is perfect.

A number of people would have no doubt been offended by some of the stuff I've posted, and not everyone would have been sympathetic to what I have posted. I understand this, but still thank each and every person who has clicked on the forum and had a read.

The forum has given me the feeling, at least in a small way, that I could help people understand the deep deceptiveness of the western government-media complex, and that the reality of what has happened in Syria, and who is largely to blame, is poles apart from the one-sided, self-serving propaganda of western politicians, media and their fellow travellers.
Last edited by TrueAndMagneticNorth on Wed Sep 07, 2016 12:11 am, edited 1 time in total.
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