Hosted by Cimi ... In this forum, our friend Cimi shares with us some awesome messages of love and faith intended to be shared with all Christians.


Postby cimi » Mon Aug 11, 2008 2:50 pm

August 11


1 Cor. 9:19-27

They [train] to obtain a
perishable crown, but
we for an imperishable
crown.__ 1 Corinthians 9:25

Sports brings out the best and the worst in people. The news media often focus on the worst. Those who comfort players with "It's not whether you win or lose that counts; it's how you play the game" seldom make world news. But once in a while they do.

After a baseball team from Japan in the Little League World Series, one reporter wrote: "The boys from Warner Robins left a lasting impression of their inner character for the world to see. They proved again, it's not whether you win or lose that counts. It is, how you play the game."

When the losing players broke down in tears, the winning team members stopped their victory celebration to console them. "I just hated to see them cry," said pitcher Kendall Scott, "and I just wanted to let them know that I care." Some referred to the moment as "sportsmanship at its best."

It was indeed heartwarming, but it points out that sports__ even at its best__is an imperfect metaphor for Christianity. In sports, someone always loses. But when someone is won to Christ, the only loser is Satan.

For Christians, true teamwork is not about defeating opponents; it's about recruiting them to join our team (1 Cor. 9:19-22). __Julie Ackerman Link

`````````Lord, too often I view as my enemies those who don't ```````
```````````know You. Help me love them as You love them.`````````
`````````Help me gently share Your truth with them. Help me````````
`````````see them as part of Your great mission field. Amen.`````````

Tact is the knack of winning a point
without making an enemy.

************Today's Bible Reading __ 1 Corinthians 9:19-27**********

19 For though I am free
from all men, I have made
myself a servant to all, that
I might win the more; 20 and
to the Jews I became as a
Jew, that I might win Jews;
to those who are under the
law, as under the law, that I
might win those who are
under the law; 21 to those
who are without law, as
without law (not being
without law toward God,
but under law toward
Christ), that I might win
those who are without law;

22 to the weak I became as
weak, that I might win the
weak. I have become all
things to all men, that I
might by all means save
some. 23 Now this I do for
the gospel's sake, that I
may be partaker of it with

24 Do you not know that
those who run in a race all
run, but one receives the
prize? Run in such a way
that you may obtain it.

25 And everyone who
competes for the prize is
temperate in all things.
Now they do it to obtain a
perishable crown, but we
for an imperishable crown.

26 Therefore I run thus: not
with uncertainty. Thus I
fight; not as one who beats
the air. 27 But I discipline
my body and bring it into
subjection, lest, when I
have preached to others, I
myself should become


Temawork is not without conflict. Paul disagreed with Barnabas'
desire to include Mark on their second missionary journey (Acts
15:38-39). Mark had abandoned their first mission trip. Later, when
Paul's heart had softened, he requested Mark to visit him in prison
(2 Tim. 4:11). In grace, those who disappoint us should be given a
second chance. __Dennis Fisher
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