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PostPosted: Thu Jun 21, 2007 5:05 pm
by cimi
June 21


Proverbs 15:1-4

Out of the abundance
of the heart his mouth
speaks. __Luke 6:45

Since 1968, the characters in the comic strip The Lockhorns have been exchanging barbs of bitter wit and marital contempt. Currently syndicated in more than 500 newspapers, the cartoon entertains millions of readers as Leroy says things like this to Loretta: "Sure we can talk now. Just don't stand in front of the television." Loretta, at no loss for words or jabs, is just as likely to say somehhing like, "Sure I spend more than you make. I have confidence in you."

While laughing, we might catch a glimpse of ourselves. Sarcasm is all too common, and far more serious than we might want to believe. heartless sarcasm can be more harmful than physical bruises. Solomon said there are people who use words like a sword (Prov. 12:18), and that evil words can crush the spirit (15:4).

Controlling our speech isn't easy, because the real problem is not our words but our hearts. Behind the insults, we are likely to find in ourselves an insecurity, fear, or guilt that tempts us to protect ourselves at the expense of another.

Is there an upside to abusive words? No, unless we take them as a warning that we're not in step with Christ. In His embrace and grace, let's not lash out at one another in an effort to protect ourselves. __Mart De Haan.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Instead of hurling angry words~~~~~~~~~~~~~
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~That wound and stir up strife,~~~~~~~~~~~~~
~~~~~~~~~~~~~Use words of kindness, filled with love.~~~~~~~~~
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~that heal and nourish life. __Sper~~~~~~~~~~~

Abusive language reveals a sinful heart.

***************Today's Bible Reading___Proverbs 15:1-4

1 A soft answer turns away
wrath, but a harsh word
stirs up anger.
2 The tongue of the wise
uses knowledge rightly, but
the mouth of fools pours
forth foolishness.
3 The eyes of the LORD
are in every place, keeping
watch on the evil and the
4 A wholesome tongue is a
tree of life, but perverseness
in it breaks the spirit.


when God created man and woman, He gave the gift of speech
which He gave to no other creatures. The tongue is a common topic
in Proverbs (especially chs. 12-18). In some 120 occurrences of the words toungue, mouth, lips, and words, Proverbs warns us not to use
destructive words but rather to speak constructively (Prov. 10:20-21;12:18,25; 15:4; 16:24; 25:11-12,18). The New Testament sums it up well: "Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths,
but only what is helpful for building others up according to their
needs, that it may benefit those who listen" (Eph.4:29 NIV). __SKT


PostPosted: Thu Jun 21, 2007 5:06 pm
by cimi
for some reason the 8 shows up as a smiley and is not fixable.

PostPosted: Thu Jun 21, 2007 7:05 pm
by Mackenaw
Another awesome message -- wooooooohoooooo! thanks for sharing Cimi. And the cool guy with the sunglasses shows up whenever a person types the numeral 8 with the closing parenthesis {)} or shift 9. Possibly putting a space between the numeral 8 and the closing parenthesis {)} will solve the problem -- but I'm not sure. LOL

Thanks again, Cimi,
Sister Mack

PostPosted: Thu Jun 21, 2007 7:58 pm
by Guest
Wouldn't it be wonderful if everyone could control their tongue?

Thanks for sharing another great lesson with us Cimi! :)