Hosted by Cimi ... In this forum, our friend Cimi shares with us some awesome messages of love and faith intended to be shared with all Christians.


Postby cimi » Fri May 09, 2008 2:11 pm

May 9


Jeremiah 6:16-21

On a cold winter day in Michigan, a woman in labor was being rushed to the hospital when the unthinkable happened. The ambulance slid off an icy road into a ditch. A passing four-wheel drive truck stopped and tried to haul the emergency vehicle out but couldn't get a grip.

That's when help arrived. An Amish man driving a two-horse team stopped to offer help. He told the ambulance service that the horses' shoes had been sharpened so they would bite into the ice. Once he hooked up the horses to the ambulance, they walked it right out of the ditch.

By today's standards, this young mother received help from a source of strength that was old-fashioned and outmoded. But on that day, old ways helped to ensure the safe arrival of new life into the world.

Most of us wouldn't want to return to the old-fashioned ways. But more than 2,500 years ago, Jeremiah reminded us that there is nothing more relevant than the truth of the past. Even though he was regarded as a relic of his time, he urged his neighbors to walk in the old paths of truth so that they would find peace and rest for their souls (Jer. 6:16). Today, we can still find rest and peace in Jesus, our eternal source of truth (Matt. 11:28). __Mart De Haan

```````````````Upon Thy Word I rest, so strong, so sure;```````````
```````````````So full of comfort blest, so sweet, so pure,```````````
`````````````Thy Word that changest not, that faileth never!`````````
```````````My King I rest upon Thy Word forever. __Havergal````````

The old truth of God's Word
is ever new.

**************Today's Bible Reading __ Jeremiah 6:16-21***********

16 Thus says the LORD:
"Stand in the ways and
see, and ask for the old
paths, where the good way
is, and walk in it; then you
will find rest for your souls.
But they said, 'We will not
walk in it.' 17 Also, I set
watchmen over you, saying,
'Listen to the sound of the
trumpet!' But they said,
'We will not listen.'

18 Therefore hear, you
nations, and know, O
congregation, what is
among them. 19 Hear, O
earth! Behold, I will
certainly bring calamity on
this people--the fruit of
their thought, because they
have not heeded My words
nor My law, but rejected it.

20 For what purpose to Me
comes frankincense from
Sheba, and sweet cane from
a far country? Your burnt
offerings are not acceptable,
nor your sacrifices sweet to

21 Therefore thus says the
"Behold, I will lay
stumbling blocks before
this people, and the fathers
and the sons together shall
fall on them. The neighbor
and his friend shall perish."


Bible commentator Matthew Henry wrote: "Jeremiah was a priest,
a native of Anathoth, in the tribe of Benjamin. He was called to
the prophetic office when very young, about seventy years after
the death of Isaiah, and exercised it for about forty years with
great faithfulness, tiil the sins of the Jewish nation came to their
full measure and destruction followed." Jeremiah's tragic mission
warned of, and then mourned, the Babylonian captivity of the
nation Judah. __Bill Crowder
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