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Postby cimi » Tue Apr 22, 2008 6:35 pm

April 22


Psalm 148

His name alone is
exalted; His glory is
above the earth and
__Psalm 148:13

You don't have to tour Resurrection Bay in Alaska to appreciate the natural marvels of our earth, but it helps. You don't have to snorkel the warm waters of Jamaica to be impressed with the hidden beauty of our planet's seas, but it helps. you don't have to view the Rockies, experience the Rock of Gibraltar, or gaze at Mount Fuji to realize how awe-inspiring are the vistas of our globe, but it helps.

Experiencing firsthand the majesty of the mountains and the glory of the oceans can leave us breathless as we ponder how spectacular our big blue marble really is.

Today is Earth Day, a commemoration of our global home and a reminder of our responsibility to be careful stewards of this orb. But celebrating the greatness of our unique home among the planets can take on a dangerous slant if we leave out one key element. Contemplating the grandeur of earth should remind us that we are merely "the people of His pasture" (Ps. 95:7), and we must worship "our Maker" (v.6). The creation was flung into space to point to God and His greatness, power, and majesty. He alone deserves our praise and worship (Ps. 148:5). Thank You, Lord, for such an awe-inspiring reminder to worship You! __Dave Branon

````````````````````FOR FRUTHER STUDY```````````````````````
```````What does it mean to "have dominion" over the earth?`````````
`````(Gen. 1:26). read Celebrating The Wonder Of Creation.```````````

How foolish to worship the creation,
when the Creator is so much greater.

****************Today's Bible Reading __ Psalm 148***************

1 Praise the LORD!

Praise the LORD from the
heavens; praise Him in the
heights! 2 Praise Him, all
His angels; praise Him, all
His hosts! 3 Praise Him, sun
and moon; praise Him, all
you stars of light! 4 Praise
Him, you heavens of
heavens, and you waters
above the heavens!

5 Let them praise the name
of the LORD, for He
commanded and they were
created. 6 He also
established them forever
and ever; He made a decree
which shall not pass away.

7 Praie the LORD from the
earth, you great sea
creatures and all the depths;

8 fire and hail, snow and
clouds; stormy wind,
fulfilling His word;

9 mountains and all hills;
fruitful trees and all cedars;

10 beasts and all cattle;
creeping things and flying
fowl; 11 kings of the earth
and all peoples; princes
and all judges of the earth;

12 both young men and
maidens; old men and

13 Let them praise the
name of the LORD, for His
name alone is exalted; His
glory is above the earth and
heaven. 14 and He has
exalted the horn of His
people, the praise of all
His saints--of the children
of Israel, a people near
to Him.

Praise the LORD!


The third of the five Hallelujah psalms, Psalm 148 is a call for all
creation in heaven (vv.1-6) and on the earth (vv.7-12) to praise God
as Creator __Sim Kay TEE
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