Hosted by Cimi ... In this forum, our friend Cimi shares with us some awesome messages of love and faith intended to be shared with all Christians.


Postby cimi » Thu Mar 27, 2008 5:04 pm

March 27


Psalm 146

That they may know
You, the only true God,
and Jesus Christ whom
You have sent.
__John 17:3

I've built a bathroom. I've wired an addition to my house. I've finished an entire basement. I enjoy do-it-yourself projects--as long as there's a good hardware store nearby.

But some people take this do-it-yourself thing too far. They create their own God. A report in Newsweek magazine said a youth pastor asked his teens who they think God is. One said He was like his grandfather "He's there, but I never see him." Another suggested He is "an evil being who wants to punish me all the time." The last teen concluded that everyone is right because that's what they really believe.

Do we decide who God is by taking a poll? Is He a being we can make up as we go along? This create-your-own-deity idea is increasingly popular today. And it is extremely dangerous. It robs us of knowing who our heavenly father really is- as Scripture describes Him. He is, after all, the One "who made heaven and earth" (Ps. 146:6) and "the only true God" (John 17:3).

One historical confession of faith says: "God is a spirit, infinite, eternal, and unchangeable in His being, wisdom, power, holiness, justice, and truth." Examine the Scriptures. Find out who God really is and establish a relationship through Jesus. Then trust and obey the one true God.
__Dave Branon

````````````The gods of this world are empty and vain,`````````````
``````````````They cannot give peace to one's heart;```````````````
```````````The living and true One deserves all our love--```````````
``````````From Him may we never depart. __D. De Hann````````````

The infinite God cannot be measured by finite man.

****************Today's Bible reading __ Psalm 146***************

1 Praise the LORD Praise
the LORD, O my soul!

2 While I live I will praise
the LORD; I will sing
praises to my God while I
have my being.

3 Do not put your trust in
princes, nor in a son of
man, in whom there is no
help. 4 His spirit departs, he
returns to his earth; in that
very day his plans perish.

5 Happy is he who has the
God of Jacob for his help.
whose hope is in the Lord
his God, 6 who made
heaven and earth, the sea,
and all that is in them; who
keeps truth forever, 7 who
executes justice for the
oppressed, who gives food
to the hungry. The LORD
gives freedom to the

8 The LORD opens the eyes
of the blind; the LORD
raises those who are bowed
down; the LORD loves the
righteous. 9 The LORD
watches over the strangers;
He relieves the fatherless
and widow; but the way of
the wicked He turns upside

10 The LORD shall reign
forever--Your God, O
zion, to all generations.

Praise the LORD!


Psalms 146-150 are referred to as "Hallelujah psalms" because each
one begins and ends with the refrain, "Praise the Lord." Psalm 146
is a call to trust in the Lord--the omnipotent God, creator of heaven
and earth, who is faithful, eternal, just, gracious, compassionate,
and loving. __SKT
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