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Postby cimi » Fri Jan 25, 2008 2:53 pm

January 25


Exodus 6:1-9

Be of good cheer! It is
I; do not be afraid.
__Matthew 14:27

Scientists in the UK have calculated that the most depressing day of the year comes in the third week of January. Winter days are dark and cold, holiday excitement has worn off just as Christmas debts are coming due, and New Year's resolutions have all been broken. The celebrations, gift-giving, and good intentions that once made us feel happy now press us down and leave us feeling hopeless.

Long ago in Egypt, the Hebrew people had high hopes that Moses would rescue them from slavery. But their hopes were dashed when Moses' good intentions led to worse conditions for them. Instead of gaining freedom, the people were pressed even harder by slave drivers who demanded that they produce the same amount of bricks with fewer resources.

Moses cried out to the Lord, "Since I came to Pharaoh to speak in Your name, he has done evil to this people; neither have You delivered Your people at all" (Ex. 5:23). As Moses and the Hebrew people were about to learn, God's rescue plans sometimes don't kick in until all hope seems to be gone.

If the circumstances of your life seem to be going from bad to worse, sending you into depression and despair, remember that God always hears and answers our cries__but it's in His time, not ours.
__ Julie Ackerman Link

~~~~~~~~~~Our strength and hope are in the Lord-~~~~~~~~~~~~
~~~~~~~~~~~~We rest secure in His sure Word;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
~~~~~~~~~~~And though we're tempted to despair~~~~~~~~~~~~
~~~~~~~We know we're kept within His care. __ D. De Haan~~~~~~~

When you feel hopeless, look to the God of hope.

***************Today's Bible Reading __ Exodus 6:1-9**************

1 Then the LORD said to
Moses, "Now you shall see
what I will do to Pharaoh,
For with a strong hand he
will let them go, and with a
strong hand he will drive
them out of his land."

2 And God spoke to Moses
and said to him: "I am the
LORD. 3 I appeared to
Abraham, to Isaac, and to
Jacob, as God Almighty, but
by My name LORD I was not
known to them. 4 I have also
established My covenant
with them, to give them the
land of Canaan, the land of
their pilgrimage, in which
they were strangers. 5 And I
have also heard the groaning
of the children of Israel
whom the Egyptians keep in
bondage, and I have
remembered My covenant.

6 Therefore say to the
children of Israel: 'I am the
LORD; I will bring you out
from under the burdens of
the Egyptians, I will rescue
you from their bondage, and
I will redeem you with an
outstretched arm and with
great judgments. 7 I will take
you as My people, and I will
be your God. Then you shall
know that I am the LORD
your God who brings you
out from under the burdens
of the Egyptians. 8 And I
will bring you into the land
which I swore to give to
Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob;
and I will give it to you as a
heritage; I am the LORD.' "
9 So Moses spoke thus to
the children of Israel; but
they did not heed Moses,
because of anguish of spirit
and cruel bondage.


"I am the LORD; appears four times (vv.2,6,7,8) and underscores the
sovereignty of the covenant-keeping God in His plan of redemption.
Seven times God says "I will" (vv.6-8)__God will deliver them from
slavery (v.6), will make them His people (v.7), and will give them the
land (v.8). __SKT
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