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PostPosted: Thu Dec 27, 2007 2:07 pm
by cimi
December 27


Joshua 4:1-9

Those stones shall be
for a memorial to the
children of Israel

In her book The Shelter of Each Other, Mary Pipher gives advice on rebuilding troubled families. She explores how today's children sometimes overuse TV and video games to the exclusion of informal instruction received from extended family.

She gives an example of a family reunion where the youngsters are given a video to watch in the back room so the adults can talk undisturbed. Dr. Pipher believes this diversion actually deprives kids. Children need to mix with the older generation so they can hear the stories of aunts, uncles, grandparents, and parents. This helps them learn from those who have gone before them.

The Old Testament places a high value on children being taught their spiritual heritage. After God parted the waters of the Jordan River, Joshua was instructed to take 12 stones from the river to create a memorial for future generations. "When your children ask... 'What do these stones mean to you?' then you shall answer them that the waters of the Jordan were cut off.... And these stones shall be for a memorial to the children of Israel forever" (Josh. 4:6-7).

We need spiritual interaction between generations. Remember, Bible stories are often family stories. And our children need them and us. __Dennis Fisher

~~~~~~~~Oh, may all who come behind us find us faithful;~~~~~~~~
~~~~~~~~~~May the fire of our devotion light their way;~~~~~~~~~
~~~~~~May the footprints that we leave lead them to believe,~~~~~~
~~~~~~And the lives we live inspire them to obey. __ Mohr~~~~~~~~

Godly forefathers make good teachers.

****************Today's Bible Reading __ Joshua 4:1-9*************

1 And it came to pass,
when all the people had
completely crossed over the
Jordan, that the LORD spoke
to Joshua, saying: 2 "Take for
yourselves twelve men from
the people, one man from
every tribe, 3 and command
them, saying, "Take for
yourselves twelve stones
from here, out of the midst
of the Jordan, from the place
where the priests' feet stood
firm. You shall carry them
over with you and leave
them in the lodging place
where you lodge tonight.'"

4 Then Joshua called the
twelve men whom he had
appointed from the children
of Israel, one man from
every tribe; 5 and Joshua
said to them: "Cross over
before the ark of the LORD
your God into the midst of
the Jordan, and each one
of you take up a stone on
his shoulder, according to
the number of the tribes of
the children of Israel, 6 that
this may be a sign among
you when your childrren ask
in time to come, saying,
'What do these stones
mean to you?' 7 Then you
shall answer them that the
waters of the Jordan were
cut off before the ark of the
covenant of the LORD....
And these stones shall be for
a memorial to the children of
Israel forever."

8 And the children of
Israel did so, just as Joshua
commanded.... 9 Then
Joshua set up twelve stones
in the midst of the Jordan, in
the place where the feet of
the priests who bore the ark
of the covenant stood; and
they are there to this day.


Because of their lack of faith and disobedience 40 years before,
a whole generation 20 years and older had perished in the desert
(Num. 14:29). Now a new generation of Jews led by Joshua had just
crossed the River Jordan into Canaan. __SKT